Cry more girls.

We are making more popcorn.

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his mandate is almost as small as his "Tiny Fists of Fury" ....which means also as tiny as .....

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Some points:

1. It doesn't matter how small the margin. With majorities in both chambers of Congress, crazy ass judges and justices up and down the line, whaddya gone do about it ("it" being all of the awful shit this Administration will be doing).

2. With 1 said, I can at least take some small solace that a majority of voters did not, in fact, vote for him.

3. Yes, a lot of the people who did vote are slack jawed fucking morons.

4. Fuck the 89 million people who did not vote. Also, fucking morons.

5. If someone talks sense into Trump and he doesn't do the tariffs and mass deportations he could take credit for a great economy and low inflation on day 1 of his Administration on account of how both of those things are already a thing now and have been for at least a year. After all, the slack jawed fucking morons will believe that Trump, before even taking the oath, fixed the economy. Which just reminds us all, again, that a lot of the people who voted for Trump because ECONOMY are slack jawed fucking morons.

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This man is making a mockery of the government and the entire Republican Party is behind it. So, what, now? They tell everyone what to do? What god to believe in? How many babies you can have and how may women will die in childbirth? What books to read in school? What war to fight?Sounds pretty dismal, but it seems a majority of the electorate is just fine with a dystopia.

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I don't find sharing the country with slightly less than 50% of people who clearly eat paste very comforting.

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But groceries.

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I think it’s not impossible that he’ll be so horrible, he’ll inspire about 10 Jim Jeffords.

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Ta, Evan. I don't mind the leopards eating the MAGA faces, but I'm more than a little concerned about faces that aren't MAGA also getting et.

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Trump was always going to claim a HUUUUUUGE mandate - the biggest in history! - but this time the press is playing along. The election night narrative of a "decisive win" is persistent, even in the face of facts to the contrary, because the American political press stopped being about facts a long time ago. So Trump's gonna Trump. Whatever. He's not the real problem here.

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His margin size is as tiny as his peener.

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Now that's just mean.

Come sit by me.

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I worry that many of those homes may not even have basement bowling alleys

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It was NOT a mandate. Give it UP💙

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Shrub didn't have a mandate either, but he sure governed as if he did.

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Yes, and all that.

But, c'mon with this:

"His mandate is smaller than his hands."

But, please, for the love of all that is profane, the man's hands are not small -- rather, it is that his fingers are short. It's the misproportion of finger-length to palm size that the goddam point of the epic burn that was, and is, "Short-fingered vulgarian."

Look as that asshole tries to shake hands with a normie-fingered -- he can barely clench their palm.

Watch has he holds a garden implement as part of a dumb Hee-Haw sketch during the Emmys broadcast -- his fingers can't close around a rather thin handle of hickory.

This Mother of All Sick Burns® works -- it has hijacked a large portion of his cerebrum for going on 40 years now. Graydon Carter still gets Sharpied notes in his childish scrawl pointing to press photos where compound lensing and willful blindness suggest that maybe, maybe his fingers are long enough to justify the flabby hamsteak of a palm they're connected to.

But, goddam it, the point remains -- Short-fingered Vulgarian.

"Small hands" was the sputter of misremembered disses that tumbled out of the mouth of evil dimwit Marco Rubio. There's been a lot of water under the bridge since then, obs. But the fact remains, and let's not have to say it too many more times -- his are not small hands. They're short fingers. And they're hilarious.

See a gallery of his short fingers: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/09/donald-trump-small-hands-hurricane-relief

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I have always loved the Graydon Carter story. My new name for Dipshit is now is SFV.

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"Short-fingered vulgarian." So true.

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When Dems win the Presidency by commanding popular votes with coattails, the media talks about the narrow Electoral College margin. When Rs win the Presidency, suddenly the popular vote doesn't matter and it's all about the EC count and a congressional majority is a congressional majority.

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None of this matters, though. Because whether he won big or won small, he won. And he was only elected to fix the groceries, but he was elected. So he can do what he wants. Republicans have the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and a corrupt Supreme Court. Trump himself is either in his last term as president, or in his first term as King for Life - in either case, he doesn't care about winning another election. He does not have to please voters, especially because you know he gives not one fuck about what happens to the Republican Party after he's done.

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Just wish I didn't have to part of their Find Out.

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