Don’t Call It A Comeback, NYT! Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Owned The GOP For Years!
New York Times gets all gushy over Greene’s success.
This week, the New York Times went Vanity Fai r without the nice photos on MAGA cultist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The rightwing Rocky story from Times reporter German Lopez is "Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Comeback,” as if she’s a fading pop star who just bounced back with a new hit song. The subhead reads "Republican leaders have embraced the former political pariah, demonstrating Trumpism’s hold over the party.” That’s when you know you’re in for some crap. Republican leaders never rejected Greene, who was never a “political pariah.” Former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill is the one whose career circled the drain because of a consensual sexual relationship with a staffer. There are apparently more stringent House ethics rules surrounding inappropriate sexy time than there are for trying to overthrow the government on your third day in office.
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New York Times
Lopez claims that Greene was "dealt what would typically be considered a knockout blow in Washington politics: She lost her seats on House committees, where Congress does much of its work, because she had supported the QAnon conspiracy theory and spread other dangerous misinformation on social media."
That’s not what actually happened. Lopez is advancing the rightwing narrative that Greene was thought-crimed. She specifically was kicked off her committees because she’d advocated violence against Democratic House members, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
But instead of being consigned to political oblivion, Greene has gained clout over the past two years, as my colleague Robert Draper explained in a New York Times Magazine profile of her that published online this morning .
This is because our politics are horribly broken, but also, few people give a damn about committees. Greene’s fellow goon squad member Lauren Boebert kept her assignments and all she does is offer what House Rules Committee chair Jim McGovern describes as “a flurry of nonsensical amendments,” which he blocks from the House floor. If Republicans regain control of the House, expect to see an unending stream of Boebert’s nonsense.
Draper was somehow shocked that a politician who fundraises like a demon and maintains extensive popularity among the party’s demonic base would thrive in our hellish reality. While centrists still suggest (and perhaps pray) that Nikki Haley might serve as Donald Trump’s “reasonable” running mate, the mad MAGA king has his eye on Bloody Marge. A source told Rolling Stone that Trump wants Greene “very close” (eww) during a second Trump term, which would flatline the American experiment. Trump floated the idea of Greene as a senior official at the Justice Department, which reportedly confused the source because “I don’t think she’s a lawyer,” as if that actually matters.
According to Lopez, "Greene’s rise did not come about because she apologized and abandoned her extreme views. Instead, her core supporters rallied around her because they agreed with at least some of her beliefs and liked that she stood her ground.” He’s rather blasé about the fact that Greene’s beliefs are terrifying and anti-democratic. When 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater declared, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!” he lost in a rout. Now, standing your ground as an election-denying bigot is hailed as a virtue.
Lopez notes that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, a spineless jelly man, has promised to quid pro quo Greene with prized committee assignments if she lets him become speaker of the House — “giving her back what she once lost, and then some.” At no point during this girl boss profile does Lopez mention the marginalized groups who will directly suffer from the triumph of Greene's will.
[ New York Times / Rolling Stone ]
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I would have gone with equine features, but what the hell, simian works fine.
One has to wonder how much of that fund-raising wizardry actually goes to the Republican Party - I suspect that, like TFG, they give very little they receive to the party.