Douchebro Duncan Hunter Race-Baiting His Way Back Into Congress En Route To JAIL
Thia asshole again.
Time to take out the trash, California! You are far too cool to keep sending that cow-loving fake farmer from Fresno, Putin's little buddy in Orange County (whose funding got yanked last week by CLF, lol), and that smarmy Bakersfield Tea Party bastard to Washington. And don't even get us started on Duncan Hunter!
The guy is under indictment for stealing $250,000 from his own campaign. He spent donated funds to take his girlfriends on vacation and used the campaign credit card to buy clothes, which he later claimed were "[golf] balls for the wounded warriors," allegedly. He got drunk with his pals in the Bro Caucus, sometimes over lunch,and ran up a $138,666 bar tab, paid for by the campaign. And besides that, he's a bigoted asshole!
Look at this race-baiting POS ad where he pretends his opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, is some kind of ISIS sleeper agent.
Just to be clear, Duncan Hunter, who inherited his congressional seat from his father and proceeded to LOOT IT, is now blaming Campa-Najjar for the sins of his Palestinian grandfather who died 16 years before he was born and for the beliefs of his father, who left the family when Campa-Najjar was 8 years old.
It takes some balls for a useless bastard who coasted on his own father's name to fault his opponent for taking the name of the single mother who raised him alone. NPR reports,
"He changed his name from Ammar Yasser Najjar to Ammar Campa-Najjar," said Hunter, "so he sounds Hispanic. ... That is how hard, by the way, that the radical Muslims are trying to infiltrate the U.S. government."
Not for nothing, but Campa-Najjar is Hispanic! And it wouldn't matter if he were Muslim, BUT HE'S NOT. Because unlike some people whose fathers were in Congress, Campa-Najjar couldn't get a cushy job as a teenager. So when he was 15, he got a job as a janitor scrubbing toilets at a Protestant church.
The LATimes reports, Â
At work he struck up a friendship with Kevin McPeak, one of the pastors at the nondenominational Protestant church.
During services, the church sometimes played U2 and other secular music. Campa-Najjar and McPeak eventually starting talking about bands they liked and discovered they were both fans of Sting. Soon Campa-Najjar picked up a guitar and performed during services.
"I started playing, and it really spoke to me," said Campa-Najjar, whose mother is Catholic and father is Muslim. He began to worship at EastLake and eventually joined its youth ministry. The more he read the Bible, the more redeeming he found it.
"I was not looking for religion, but it found me," he said.
Or as Duncan Hunter's campaign puts it, "No one interested in America's national security should take the chance of voting for Ammar Campa-Najjar aka Ammar Yassar Najjar."
via Twitter Â
Funny story! Duncan Hunter, whose campaign sent out this racist mailer, couldn't get a security clearance because he's under federal indictment. And also because he's in debt up to his eyeballs. Unlike Campa-Najjar, who was able to pass a background check when he worked in the Obama White House and at the Department of Labor because he's a lovely person who would make a terrific congressman.
Yeah sure, dude, he's LYING about being Hispanic.Â
And yet, Hunter still leads in the polls! Jesus, California, FIX YOUR SHIT!
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So much fuckery, and it's only Monday! Click here to keep your Wonkette snarking all week long!
Yes. The answer is yes. His friend is stupid on the face of it.
$138,666. 00 bar tab, that's a lot of single malt. Hunter seems nice ! Have no legs to stand on, defame some one else. His Daddy must be proud.