Jeez. I don't get how someone like Cooper can completely ignore the fundamental, in-your-face, facts and claim to be an "historian".

Before Churchill became PM, Chamberlain, (together with France), handed over half of Czechoslovakia - in The Munich Agreement - in an attempt to make peace with Hitler. What did Hitler do? Yeah, marched right in to the rest of Czechoslovakia. It was absolutely clear that Hitler didn't give a fuck about peace - and probably had a good old laugh about "the stupid European leaders" who had been conned by him.

Lesson learned: you don't make peace with lunatic fucking Fascists who want to take over an entire continent. Churchill knew that, even before the Munich Agreement was signed. And he also knew that the only way to stop Hitler was to fight. And fight dirty if he had to.

Being nice to Fascists doesn't work. Negotiating with Fascists doesn't work. Giving Fascists the benefit of the doubt doesn't work. Giving Fascists "both-sided equivalence" doesn't work. So...

Dear America, when you have a fully-fledged Fascist running for President, you need to understand... standing on the side-lines, making excuses for a fucking lunatic, IS NOT GOING TO WORK.

Good luck, from the UK.

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Hitler accidentally killed the people he had rounded up and enslaved, after stoking violence against, with the full intention of a final solution?

Does cooper not understand the "final" part?

Also, Winnie wasn't even prime minister at the start of that mess. How the fuck did he start anything?

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I think the argument dipshit is trying to make is that after the defeat of France, Churchill should have accepted Hitler’s very insincere, very non-specific offer of peace.

Now, funny thing about the Welsh valleys, we absolutely fucking hate Winnie for setting the troops on striking miners, and no we haven’t forgotten he was more than a little eugenics curious in his time.

That said: Sorry Bro. This one is on Hitler. Blaming Churchill for not suing for peace after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium and France is dumb as rocks, for the simple reason - as Munich demonstrated Hitler didn’t see peace treaties as binding on his glorious reich.

It also ignores the fact that Hitler was already planning to attack the Soviet Union by summer 1940 - even had Britain sued for peace, there would still be war in Europe.

As for the ‘accidental holocaust’, the Holocaust was already well underway by 1940 (although the ‘Final Solution’ at this point was dumping all European Jews in Madagascar - never very realistic) with the goal of a Europe purged of Jews very much in mind- the forced transports and overcrowded cattle trucks expelling Jews from ‘German’ lands. And mobile gas vans were already killing thousands of asylum inmates in a systematic purge.

There was nothing accidental about this. War and genocide were baked into the Nazi cake, it could not survive without them.

But sure thing, Hitler just lost 6 million Jews down the back of the sofa.

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Thank you so much for the picture of Thornton and not Tucker Carlson. I am sorry for any emotional distress caused to Thornton by these complete fools, but at least he got to show us his sweet little toe beans.

I grow very weary of these contrarians, huffing that blaming Hitler is so NPC, so normie, so ‘I support the current thing.’

Also, I feel, much like the visible disgust Putin showed for Tucker, Hitler would be gravely disappointed in his current apologists not seeing his genius - he really wanted war as a way of perfecting the German people, and was really pissed at having to compromise and not get a war out of Czechoslovakia. (Although admittedly not with Britain, only with weaker countries, he had a sort of D&D attitude to war - because a lot of times he wasn’t all that bright.)

There’s even a note on the proposed T4 killing of disabled people in state asylums from Hitler saying, ‘this is an awesome idea but we will need a war to get away with this’

In summary, Thornton is too good for these people.

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Ta, Dok. I'd say I did nazi this coming, but of course I did.

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All You Fascists Bound to Lose

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imma just relisten to BOTH seasons of Ultra.

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The fact that these bastards survived COVID despite denying it's existence and basically doing everything they could to catch it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that any God that does exist is either powerless or a complete fucking asshole.

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Lots of them didn't though. Many deniers died.

Just not all of em

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Or just isn't.

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We tried feeding them bullets, but they died anyway

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Once again I have to thank you Dok for including a picture of Thornton rather than the pond scum involved in this article. Yeah, yeah, I know, pond scum libelz.

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The first libertarian I ever encountered was a guy who hung around the student newspaper every night and would argue with anybody, over anything. The first time I met him, he was loudly insisting (to someone else, thank dog) that Adolf Hitler knew nothing of the Holocaust, which was all done behind his back. What IS it with those guys and Holocaust...minimization or whatever the fuck that was?

This guy's go-to move, when cornered, was to screech, "I don't know what BOOKS you've read!"

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There's something seriously wrong with a whole lot of white people

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I prefer the kind of historian who is aware that the word protagonist does not mean "the good guy". And also the kind who knows some basic facts about history.

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Maybe also one who knows that Churchill didn't become Prime Minister till 1940 (hint for Cooper et al that's AFTER the outbreak of WW2) and the 1930s were known as his "Wilderness Years" when, while he was vociferously arguing against allowing German re-armament etc, the people actually in power in Britain weren't listening to him.

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Damnit! We just had Trump and his Hawk Tuah Boy in the Harrisburg-Hershey area. Now we have to put up with Fucker and J Divan holding an event?

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"and the fairly explicit records of planning for the extermination of Europe’s Jews" - See that's what I don't get about the Holocaust deniers. They left records. THEY LEFT METICULOUSLY DETAILED RECORDS ABOUT WHAT THEY DID. They recorded it all - what they planned to do, how it was going while they did it, and what the aftermath was. It's how we know exactly how the gas chambers worked. It's how we know approximately how many people died, and who they were, and where they had been kidnapped from. It's why Germany has the Stolpersteins. Because we KNOW WHO THEY ALL WERE.


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So let me see if I have this straight: the NAZIs weren't really bad guys, they were just put in a bad situation, and all those dead civilians were an honest mistake. Is that about right?


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Related because right wing influencers

Tim Onion


Some final thoughts on the Tim Pool/Benny Johnson thing:

Even if you take their argument at face value — that they didn't know they were pawns of foreign influence — it's EXACTLY what all of the disinfo reporting was trying to say: foreign influence campaigns are real, complex, happening.


Ben Collins was reporting on all this stuff happening online since before Trump came into office, and the news yesterday has really seen him vindicated.

Charlie Kirk is tangentially connected as Lauren Chen is associated with TPUSA, and she is the one who, with her husband, runs Tenet media.

I would not be surprised to find the endlessly credulous and utterly dimwitted Kirk had been doing for free what Chen was receiving hefty sums of money to do.

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