'Elp! 'Elp! Wonkette Being Sued By This 40-Millionaire!
Small favors, at least it's not Peter Thiel.
Your Wonkette, despite many threats from bad and crazy people, has never actually been sued. Until today! According to Don Blankenship's lawyers, we have conspired with Mitch McConnell, Fox Judge Andrew Napolitano, and Don Trump Jr., along with possibly hundreds of other news outlets both progressive and reactionary, to defame and libel and false-light-invasion-of-privacy Mr. Blankenship because one time, by accident, after he lost his race for the Republican West Virginia gubernatorial primary, we mistakenly referred to him as a felon, instead of carefully noting (as we had a dozen times previously) that he was convicted and spent a year in jail for misdemeanor conspiracy leading to the deaths of 29 miners in his employ. I pride myself on carefully weighing Wonkette's terrible words and ensuring (with my 28 years in the news profession oh LORD I am forty-six years old) that everything we assert is both factual and fair. This was my fault as editor, nobody else's, no ifs ands or buts.
If I could, though, I'd blame President Obama, just as Blankenship's lawsuit blames him for those miners' deaths.
So while every month we ask you to keep this mommyblog going, because we are brought to you by YOU, and in fact at the end of every post we ask you to keep this mommyblog going, because we still are brought to you by YOU, today would be a really good day for the 390,000 or so of you monthly readers who don't already donate to Wonkette to throw some money in the kitty, and even, if you are able, to make it a recurring monthly donation!
Mama ain't got 40-millionaire-fightin' money! Mama barely has freelancer money! (Don't worry, we're not a common Trump: Our freelancers always get paid.) What's that? YOU want to send us money? You are good, and we love you.
While we of course believe Mr. Blankenship's lawsuit to be meritless -- even frivolous! -- we still have to reply. And SHIT we have to hire a lawyer to do so. There's no telling what a West Virginia judge and jury might do, and in the face of our first ever lawsuit -- and some online news media that no longer exist , along with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's humble, settled-law notion that it's time to open up the libel laws and abort the greatest constitutional protections afforded to journalists, the First Amendment as recognized under New York Times v. Sullivan -- we are trying not to feel a mite catastrophic.
Today would be a good day to do some yoga breathing. Today would be a bad day to attempt to get off our fattening ass. Hey, maybe you could send us some money?
If worse comes to worst and we lose Wonkette, we will start a new blog and name it something that doesn't confuse people and that we don't have to spell out slowly four times. (No, K -e-TT-e.) We just don't want to lose our house. It's extremely pleasant, near but not on a lake, and we   just put in solar.  Which has nothing to do with us trying to kill coal: We are America and so isblack lungDon Blankenship.
This post will stay up top until I'm sick of looking at it. Scroll down for new news, as if there is ever even news these days, no everything is very boring and sane, all day every day, that is for sure.
Send money?
to celebrate paying off my student loan HFS THAT'S RIGHT I am increasing my monthly contribution and also here's an extra $50 wonkette please don't ever stop with the references to monty python, buffy the vampire slayer, and my two favorite books catch-22 and slaughterhouse 5. love you to bits.
Just curious, how much might it have cost Blankenship to that knock that criminal conspiracy that led to 29 people being killed knocked down from a felony to a misdemeanor, and does anyone really have to take the West Virginia legal system seriously when they let people get away with shit like that?
He’s lucky he didn’t get elected (as are we all are) because then he’d be a public official and not a public figure, public officials having to meet a higher standard for defamation suits.