Interesting. On 2 occasions months ago I attempted to make an LOL on Wonkette about MTG. Once I called her Man Hands Marjorie, dating myself with a Jerry Seinfeld reference; another time I suggested she needed a little gender affirmation therapy. I felt it was fair game to mock a transphobic, homophobic hater for not really living up to ideals of femininity herself. I.e. she's a hypocrite. For this I was thoroughly spanked. "Way to advance a feminist agenda," one Wonketteer scolded. "Are you new here?" another chastised (no, I'm not). The point being that we don't comment on women's appearances. (But Trump's hair and pot belly are fair game.) I get it, and I've constrained myself. But I so thoroughly loved "bleached blonde, bad built, butch body." I secretly chant it to myself in the privacy of my shower.
With all these nitwits already in government positions, maybe a little housecleaning is in order. Sometimes all it takes is a strong woman to clean up shit.
I don't know what that Haiti guy had in mind, mostly because Mr Casar is an asshole. I love me some liberals but have no truck with idiots who browbeat and talk over other people. Let the guy talk about why he thinks Haiti should have remained a colony. Maybe he'd say something stupid. Instead, we *only* hear Casar accuse him and, if anything ended up, as I did, feeling sympathy for the Haiti colonizer being bullied. Grrrr. Casar sounded exactly like Jim Jordan with different words.
I almost gave up on the last video because of the minute long unmutable ad that preceded it. Google wtf are you doing.
That said, I LOVE Jasmine Crockett, damn. That's the sort of chirpiness that seems both genuine, and genuinely concerning that the subject of the conversation is about to intersect with my favorite spleen.
I've pretty much taken to clicking that "copy link" icon in the upper left corner and pasting it into a Duck browser window, then watching it in Duck's private player to skip ads. Used to be you could count on embedded videos to not have any ads, unless the person making the video took a break in the middle because they were shilling something themselves. Not anymore, apparently.
I can’t defend it. While I love, love Wonkette, I cringe at the frequent reference to body parts, usually gendered, and body functions (F this, Sh that), to put down other people. PAB, ass-, bag of d-s. These expressions help to get attention but do they make a point stronger? To me it feels like grabbing the nearest object and throwing it.
When it comes to congresscritters, the only ones worth paying attention to are people of color, LGBTQ+, Jewish members, and the occasional white woman.
As a guy, I can understand (but not support) some pathetic guys feeling like Assmouth is a positive rolemodel. I mean, he does all the things that toxic fuckhead guys wish they could do without consequences. But seriously, women? How could any woman feel he’s what they want in a man, much less a leader who other men will emulate? They WANT to be objectified, minimized, turned into nothing but breeders? WTAF is wrong with them?!?
Some women want a protector, a perceived strongman to make them feel safe. Why that would be PAB I have no idea, other than the same reasons as always: say the quiet part out loud, be a public asshole, and call that freedom.
I'm late to the party, but I would like to point out that "Director of the Center for American Safety and Security", the latter part spells ASS.
Whew! That was exhausting! And I haven't even gotten to "Dr" Foxx...IF that is her real name.
Okay, you convinced me that Jasmine is hot. Did you really need to make me gay for Casar?
"We gonna work with facts, not fiction." Not while the Rs are in charge. They are allergic to facts- think they are "woke".
Interesting. On 2 occasions months ago I attempted to make an LOL on Wonkette about MTG. Once I called her Man Hands Marjorie, dating myself with a Jerry Seinfeld reference; another time I suggested she needed a little gender affirmation therapy. I felt it was fair game to mock a transphobic, homophobic hater for not really living up to ideals of femininity herself. I.e. she's a hypocrite. For this I was thoroughly spanked. "Way to advance a feminist agenda," one Wonketteer scolded. "Are you new here?" another chastised (no, I'm not). The point being that we don't comment on women's appearances. (But Trump's hair and pot belly are fair game.) I get it, and I've constrained myself. But I so thoroughly loved "bleached blonde, bad built, butch body." I secretly chant it to myself in the privacy of my shower.
I will never understand why Biden didn't fire every single tangeranus hire on day one. Comity, I guess.
With all these nitwits already in government positions, maybe a little housecleaning is in order. Sometimes all it takes is a strong woman to clean up shit.
I don't know what that Haiti guy had in mind, mostly because Mr Casar is an asshole. I love me some liberals but have no truck with idiots who browbeat and talk over other people. Let the guy talk about why he thinks Haiti should have remained a colony. Maybe he'd say something stupid. Instead, we *only* hear Casar accuse him and, if anything ended up, as I did, feeling sympathy for the Haiti colonizer being bullied. Grrrr. Casar sounded exactly like Jim Jordan with different words.
You got a funny definition of bullying.
I almost gave up on the last video because of the minute long unmutable ad that preceded it. Google wtf are you doing.
That said, I LOVE Jasmine Crockett, damn. That's the sort of chirpiness that seems both genuine, and genuinely concerning that the subject of the conversation is about to intersect with my favorite spleen.
I've pretty much taken to clicking that "copy link" icon in the upper left corner and pasting it into a Duck browser window, then watching it in Duck's private player to skip ads. Used to be you could count on embedded videos to not have any ads, unless the person making the video took a break in the middle because they were shilling something themselves. Not anymore, apparently.
I love this person. No further observations at this time. Talk amongst yourselves.
The below was meant to reply to plushie dragon.
I can’t defend it. While I love, love Wonkette, I cringe at the frequent reference to body parts, usually gendered, and body functions (F this, Sh that), to put down other people. PAB, ass-, bag of d-s. These expressions help to get attention but do they make a point stronger? To me it feels like grabbing the nearest object and throwing it.
To me, it works as long as we're punching up. Also, I'm incredibly foul mouthed.
Ta, Marcie. We all love Jasmine Crockett. Imagine how much better Congress would be with a dozen of her type, or even a handful.
When it comes to congresscritters, the only ones worth paying attention to are people of color, LGBTQ+, Jewish members, and the occasional white woman.
And Eric Swalwell.
She is an amazing advocate. And she voted with Biden every time a vote was needed.
Crockett is the future of the party.
The core squad is a ridiculous dead end.
As a guy, I can understand (but not support) some pathetic guys feeling like Assmouth is a positive rolemodel. I mean, he does all the things that toxic fuckhead guys wish they could do without consequences. But seriously, women? How could any woman feel he’s what they want in a man, much less a leader who other men will emulate? They WANT to be objectified, minimized, turned into nothing but breeders? WTAF is wrong with them?!?
Some women want a protector, a perceived strongman to make them feel safe. Why that would be PAB I have no idea, other than the same reasons as always: say the quiet part out loud, be a public asshole, and call that freedom.
I'm a butch and my identity used as an insult feels bad, can anyone explain to me otherwise about her saying butch body?
It works as an insult for MTG because she is professionally female. She is the rhetorical master of white lady BS.
Nothing wrong with that, you do not weaponize being butch. She weaponizes being a White Christian Lady.