Would this be the mole from the ministry?


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"Diggory Diggory Delvet.

A little old man in black velvet;

He digs and he delves—

You can see for yourselves

The mounds dug by Diggory Delvet."

I have a Diggory Delvet in my small collection of Beatrix Potter figurines.

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Once again, my favorite ever horror script title:

"The Molemen Want Your Eyes."

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This "Uncle Buck" mole scene:


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At first, I thought that was Steve Bannon's face.

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Yes, but the giveaway is that this critter's nails are cleaner than Bannon's.

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I’d rather have my yard overrun by lots of moles than have one Bannon stinking up the place.

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Aw, poor, maligned mole!

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Definitely mole libelz. :-)

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Such a funny thing, when I’m in the park, to notice a plant wriggling around this way and that as it is drawn under the soil; salad for the moles!

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I am reminded of Mr. Mole (Moley to his friends Thaddeus Toad, Water Rat, and Badger) from the 1949 Disney feature "The Wind In The Willows".


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We need a dermatologist to have this removed.

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Will they charge $6.0221415 × 10^23 for each removal?

(Chemistry humor)

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Dr. Avogadro s notoriously expensive.

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My very first paycheck job was as a golf cart mechanic for a Long Island country club. Greenskeepers, caddies, etc, we back-of-the-shop folks arrived in the wee hours it became clubhouse like...

But then the course became home to a colony of moles. "They can do hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages!!!" hysteria began... It was well before 𝘊𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘤𝘬 but the measures they were prepared to take... It was the biggest nothing that never happened and no harm came to any gophers but the geese were very upset for a couple weeks...

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During the covid shutdown the local high school's practice fields became a thriving mole colony. They seem to be moving across the street into the neighborhood now that the school is taking back the grass.. I am measuring their progress towards me house by house.

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I've read that moles make shallow burrows. The gravel path between the 2 observatory buildings where I work, seem to keep the moles on one side of the yard.

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"License to kill gophers."

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"teach you a lesson about how to be a member of a society"

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Varmint Cong!

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I smell varmint poontang. And the only good varmint poontang is dead varmint poontang, I think.

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Has Avogadro entered the chat yet?

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Dang, had to google that one. 5:24am Pacific, and I’m already learning things on Teh Wonkette. Much obliged!

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Somebody asked too hard and 6.02214076 × 10^23 of them showed up. It wasn't you, right?

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(thinks) Nope.

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I'll stick a pin in The Blame Effigy Doll then.

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A mole of moles would be a lot of moles.

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that's one of my favorite What Ifs by Randal Munroe

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Less impressive than "Soupiter", but still a good one.

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"Hey girls, take my number"!

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We can all gather our toasted chiles, roasted vegetables, nuts, seeds, chocolate, dried fruit and bread and learn to make...




wait for it...




mole sauce.

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If you can find a guaca you can make a guacamole.

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Then you can have a priest bless it, and have holy mole!

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This was the punchline my husband was trying to make but his set up was pretty bad.

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I've seen molasses in the store, but what do they do with the rest of them?

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I think there's a mole in the organization.

(mole emerges) "Notes from the underground, Sir."

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Ok - that needs to be be in a sci-fi movie -

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The second line was in the movie 'The Lion King.' I laughed my ass off, although the rest of the audience didn't get it.

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I've had that experience in theaters.

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Ever since I was short I've thought moles were just adorable little furbies.

I have a distinct weakness for small furry critters.

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Did you know that the star-nosed mole is the fastest eating animal in the world. It can find, identify and slurp up it's lunch in a quarter of a second!

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Just yesterday on the side of a commercial building, I was a gopher pushing up dirt and a nearby cat just swishing its tail with delight, hoping the gopher would come out of the hole.

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Let’s give everyone a “furry” warning - eh -

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Damn typos

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Yeah, we're a greater threat to Murka than The Homunculus.


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I had a tingling that you’d show up -

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Been here about two hours now. Posted this week's furry art.

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Little Red Riding Hood: My, what big paws you have Grandma!

Grandma: Because I'm a MOLE you BINT!

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Pope John is a very nice guy

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why do we hate carla bruni? i've forgotten. i mean i know i know sarkozy but the heart wants what the heart wants.

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Wow, so Hegseth was on That Guy's radar back in 2017 for Veterans affairs! While also an important post, that's not as ludicrous as Sec Def, dude hasn't run any large organization or sat on any relevant committees.

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OT. I loved walking, all my life. It was always my favourite thing, and I wanted to spend a holiday somewhere where the towns were ten or fifteen miles apart, so you could just walk from one to the other and stay the night in a little inn, just have to carry your toothbrush and some spare underwear. Never did that, but covered a whole lot of miles over a whole lot of years.

About fifteen years ago, started to have some real trouble with my feet. Orthotics, special shoes, physio, none of it really made a huge change. Things have gotten to the point now that I can walk about half a block, and that's fairly painful.

Last night I dreamed that I had some great shoes, and my feet didn't hurt, and I could just walk, without any problems. "I live about two miles from here, OK, I'll just walk home". It felt so wonderful, I was so happy.

Sometimes a really nice dream makes you feel even worse when you wake up.

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that's really lovely. and sad. thank you for sharing it.

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When crisis hits, yes, some people go to pieces.

If you recoil in horror, call them weak, and claim they're surrendering, you're actively sabotaging them.

For a caterpillar must be broken down into it's basic pieces if it's ever going to rebuild itself as a butterfly.

Don't mistake a crysalis for a white flag.

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The idea that Muskrat, whose companies routinely blow past deadlines and who turned Twitter into a janky platform held together by chewing gum and wishful thinking knows anything about efficiency is laughable.

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Silence, lambs, something something.



President-Elect Donald Trump has selected Dr. Hannibal Lecter to serve as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, multiple sources confirm

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I'll probably post this again in the OT. I'm watching movies rather than doing chores, and I caught the end of "Man of the Year" (2006). Gottdamn that's where PABWorld got their ridiculous ideas. Just replace smart comedian with stupid reality show host and there you are. Except the comedian had a conscience.

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Remember when Jon Stewart told us Mike Huckabee was the nice rightwing theocrat?

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Protest Haka, now that's how you do it!!!

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Let's not forget that the Huckster also has Bible Cures for Diabetes, and wonderful (fake) sleep aids!

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When does the Wonkette shop start selling "the enemy within" t-shirts?

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Running a story about banning Marine Le Pen from running for President while featuring Carla Bruni singing? You've just broken the French brain.

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*big old sigh*

Today is my birthday. Feeling extra, extra old.

My mom texted me already even though I’ve been no contact since 2020. “Happy birthday, I hope someday you can forgive me.” And then some pics and updates on family.

Notice how that’s not actually an apology or admission of having been or done wrong.

I wish my birthday wasn’t so close after the election. This farce never feels genuine, & this year feels especially like smugly throwing it in my face that she can get some of my attention & make me spend negative emotions on her even if I don’t reply.

Feels like a provocation, honestly. What an asshole.

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Happy birthday, anyway.

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Thank you, anyway. ;)

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More fucking gaslighting. I made a comment in the comment section of my (former) local community's newspaper. It was a response to these shitters who keep saying we need to be nice to them and try to understand them, blah blah blah.

I said no, that my values don't allow me to make nice with Trumpers. Look at the unhinged response it received. So we don't have the right of free association per these MAGAt deplorable fucking chuds.

"Wow. Wow and wow again. [EyeQueue], whoever he/she/it is (still too much of a coward to come out in the sun and sign with his/her real name) wrote something that the Nazis would have approved of: "My values and morals don't allow me to share air with the type of person who supports Trump." With that type of unbelievably intolerant and totalitarian attitude, should we be surprised if violence is exercised against the people who - according to his/her values and morals (undefined and undetermined as they are) cannot be allowed to share the same air that otherwise the entire planet shares?

Who does this malevolent creature thinks he/she is? Who gave him/her the right to decide that his/her values stand above those of everybody else? Maybe it should be this little wannabe Nazi that should be prevented from breathing the same air as her fellow American citizens and fellow human beings with whom he/she disagrees politically. Beware what you wish on others as it could just as easily be applied to you. I don't think you're capable of accepting the many reasons for which your side massively and spectacularly lost this election, but you may want to consider that the type of hate-filled language you have been using here (and I presume in other places) probably had a lot to do with its massive rejection. Lesson learned? Probably not. Just the same, you lost, but instead of finding ways to build bridges, you'd rather dig the trench deeper. Keep digging."


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Damn I loved that coach. Spot on.

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