Tennessee is ten nessees too many.

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As with the “life-threatening” exemptions, the vagueness is intentional. It’s so everyone can live in fear, and aggressive DA’s can stretch the law as much as they dare.

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Wait, as a Tennessean, is it ok if I take my teenager across state lines if she needs an abortion? I just can’t take any of her friends? (OMG…I hate my home state more and more every day.)

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It's purty for purty, but ain't purty for nice.

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My condolences. Perhaps you guys will elect Gloria Johnson and she can make you proud for at least that.

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Ta, Robyn. Recruiting? Like for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines?

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"What a great place, it's a great place to start" sung in exhausted and sad like in "Stripes."

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Less mendacity, I imagine.

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"securing parents rights to make decisions for their child." yeah that'll work well with only every teenager ever to live.

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I always, in my mind, switch in "responsibilities" in place of "rights" so that idea isn't stupid.

No one has "rights" to another person. Parents have responsibilities to their kids, not rights.

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Tennessee does NOT have an exception for the life of the mother. They did make it legal to treat ectopic pregnancy, but the "life of the mother" requires an affirmative defense. That means the doc is arrested, probably loses his/her license, then can defend the decision in court.

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Many years ago, pre-Roe, when I lived in Maryland, probably 1972 or so, a friend in NC got his girlfriend pregnant. Everyone, including her parents, decided an abortion was the best choice but she could not get one in NC. But she could in DC, and I lived only about 15 miles away. I had met her a few times so I was not a stranger, and I picked her up at the airport and took her to a hotel near a clinic in DC. I volunteered to take her to the clinic the next day but she declined and took a taxi but I did pick her up the next day and took her back for a flight home. I hope having someone she knew while there made her a little less uncomfortable. So I guess I was a recruiter too.

BTW, for several years after Roe, until the 1990s, after Congress passed a law saying Medicaid funds could not be used for abortions, the state of North Carolina had a state tax supported fund for low income women to pay for abortions. Then the religious right Republicans kept cutting the fund year after year until they cancelled the whole program.

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Fucking religious right.

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Every problem in this country can be laid at the feet of MAGA.

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Not really, but it seems to be concentrating a lot of it like a magnifying glass does the sun.

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If all of us on the left do nothing but abort our babies, where do all the new little leftists come from? Are we finding them under cabbage leaves? Does the stork bring them?

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Flawed premise. You assume there ARE "new leftists."

One word: "Idiocracy."

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Didn't you hear? We recruit. A lot.

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I found mine at Babyland General Hospital.

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Apparently they have never realized that informed birth control is the best way to prevent abortion. No woman who wasn't pregnant has ever had an abortion. Any woman old enough to become pregnant should have free access to contraceptives and be taught how to use them.

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Knoxville is the biggest shithole in the state

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Do these people ever do anything for people who are actually living, or is it just the unborn and dead Confederate generals they care about?

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Living people cost money. So no.

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If they cared about the unborn, they'd make sure the "host body" was fed, clothed, housed, and had adequate medical care.

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They only care about themselves, and the collection and exercising of power over others. They do not care about people who are not them.

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They do all sorts of stuff for themselves.

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So, they want to outlaw "recruiting" someone to have an abortion, whatever that means, but they are totes ok with those creepy "pregnancy crisis centers" that will lie their asses off to you and heavily pressure you into carrying your baby to term, whatever the consequences.

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I remember, years ago in my days as the sole writer/editor of a local weekly newspaper, one of the creepy Chrisotfascists in the area (homeschooled their kids, natch) started up a "pregnancy crisis center" in the bigger town just down the road, where most people worked, shopped, etc. He came into my office and suggested I should do a feature article on the center because it was "such an important service to the community." At that time, I had no idea what a "pregnancy crisis center" was—if you got pregnant, you either dutifully went to your prenatal appointments or made an appointment in Robbinsdale (down in the Twin Cities) to have an abortion. He gave me a sugar-coated overview about how they were there to help and advise women and girls who found themselves pregnant and didn't know what to do next, letting them know what their options were. After a few questions, it became clear that abortion was NOT one of the options but was instead one of the things they advised against. The more we talked, the more I felt like I needed to take a shower afterward. In the end, I told him that it would be more suitable for him to talk to someone in the advertising department; I didn't want to touch that shit with a ten-foot pole and he was free to part with his money to place an ad instead.

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Lordy these people. They probably think Uber for Abortions® is just around the corner...

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Ok but that's not such a bad idea...

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A fever dream of a caravan of Taco trucks and Abortion vans.

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If they can get it down to the time it takes to charge an EV, they could set up next to charging stations and really be onto something.

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That gives me an idea for how to repurpose ambulances. I mean food trucks...

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A quick D&C while U Wait!

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If blastocytes could be used for penis enlargement, abortion wouldn't be an issue.

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Let’s start that rumor!

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Ugh! Parental rights again, but only for the parents who think the right way - the con way.

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I like how one suddenly becomes a “parent”, with all the gravitas of that word, by merely ejaculating. Nice job, Dad!

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That's the Christian nationalist way!

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I think what they mean by "recruitment" is merely telling someone their options. Ignorance is their best tool.

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Voter registration drives, for example, are a gateway to abortion, according to repubs.

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