Brilliant satire! Bravo!

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This is just...chef's kiss squared!

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Imagine fomenting a group for the sole purpose of denying the rights of another particular group of human beings.

How in the year 2024 does anyone think this is ok?

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The KKK have joined the chat.

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Um, the GQP has that embedded in it's MAGAt operating system.

That's literally its entire message at this point.

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Making stupid moral and semantic arguments makes them feel superior or something?

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LGB Alliance stance on trans people is not cricket*

TKDB can carry on.

* For the American's "not cricket" is a phrase meaning they're not being honest, just, fair or moral. Its unsportsmanlike conduct.

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This American knew that, but then, I read a lot of books growing up that had British characters.

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Why cannot all humans be exactly the same?

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That would be SO BORING.

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But the Nazi's would finally be happy!

Unless by same it meant fairly brown and not speaking just English.

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Ursula K. LeGuin addressed that in The Lathe of Heaven.

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Hey now, there are brown non-English speaking Nazi-equivalents too. Nazi isn't a white thing, it is a racist authoritarian thing.

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I hope they are not arrested and prosecuted. The UK state has adopted harsh laws against peaceful protests, and is especially gleeful in its hatred of trans people.

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Reminds me when my high school buddy and I conspired to create some simple chaos at our school library.

We hatched a plan to introduce hundreds of live crickets into the library via the book deposit followed by mice and then cats.

We only got as far as the crickets but when we casually entered the library later on Monday after releasing our swarm Sunday night to check on their progress, every librarian and staff member gave us the evil eye. By then they'd managed to round up most of the leaking critters but a few of our bug friends were still freely exploring the stacks.

Kudos to the trans kids for creating some meaningful and effective chaos!

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Crickets eat paper products.

Think of all the damage they can do in a library.

I'm not sure that you created simple chaos so much as fear of great damage.

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The cricket stunt is funny, buuuuuuut oooh I assume there'll be retaliatory fuckery!

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Ickugggh! If I had been in that auditorium, I'd have trampled people underfoot to be the first one out the door. Bugs give me the hebbie-jeebie wiggins.

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Am I the only one getting "You must be a paid subscriber to comment on this post" on the Indigenous Peoples/Open Thread post? Or is there something going on?

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There's some tech screw-up somewhere. I'm over here on Google because Firefox has been hinky all day vis-a-vis Substack, in much the same way you describe.

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That's funny, because my standard browser for reading Wonkette is Chrome, which is the one giving me that message. Haven't tried another one yet.

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"The group released approximately 6,000 crickets from bags hidden on their persons..."

Shoulda been scorpions.

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Any LG or B Who thinks joining team bigotry means they are now in any way “safe” is completely deluding themselves as to who’s next.

It’s like every anti abortion activist who used to claim “oh well never touch IVF or birth control”.

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like Log Cabin Republicans?

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"Once we lopped off the T, Q, and + parts of the acronym, we started to think that maybe bisexuals didn't really represent the kinds of lifestyles we wanted to promote, either," a leading LGB Alliance figure was quoted as saying. "I mean, they could be capable of anything."

"Then of course, we realized that two men having sex with each other was kind of icky," the Alliance representative continued, "and of course, very few lesbians will actually give us the time of day."

"In fact, the Alliance consists mainly of cis-gendered straight people in heterosexual marriages."

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Note that one of the founders of the LGB Alliance is Emma Nicholson, a straight woman who, as an MP, voted against gay marriage and for Section 28 (the U.K.'s "don't say gay" law). She's also famous for not understanding the difference between a thousand and a million.

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Emma Nicholson, who's also a good friend of J K Rowling....

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There's a shock.

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Thanks for straightening that out for us.

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I expected no less.

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Crickets really creep me out. More than spiders.

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I am not a lover of the insect kingdom, even the helpful and pretty ones.

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Perfect, then.

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JK Rowling slams Butlin’s after security guards suspended over alleged mistreatment of trans people


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And another rich subhuman weighs in with her unwanted thoughts.

You get just as many rights as you'll concede to everyone else.

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Good old JK, rushing in to defend my cisgendered lady parts from a completely non existing threat because of her own bullshit asshole bigotry. I find her obsession with eliminating trans people far more threatening than anyone trans peeing in the stall next the me.

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Jesus fucking Christ, why can't people just leave transpeople alone? What is so fucking hard about saying, "Eh. I don't get it, but it's none of my business"?

Jesus suffering fuck.

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Mind your own damn business would make the world so much better

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Add abortions to the "leave people who are not like you the fuck alone: "I think it's murder, but it's none of my business what you choose to do with your own body."

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I personally think that anyone who wants to save someone else's dependent, should take over complete responsibility for that dependent. You want to save a fetus? Then you need to get it implanted in your body and nurture it until it is 18 years old. Not willing to do that? Then STFU. Same with people interfering with other's parenting: You think it is bad enough to stop it? Then you should be willing to adopt the kid. If not, STFU.

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