Florida Schools Now Protecting Kids From Smut Like Sexy, Sexy 'Paradise Lost'
They paved paradise by the dashboard lights.
In exactly the sort of development you'd expect in the midst of a moral panic and censorship campaign, we learn this week that one Florida school district isn't limiting itself to removing modern-day smut like sex ed or books about gay penguins. The Orlando Sentinel reports that, thanks to a new state law that requires the removal of any school materials for review as soon as someone files a complaint, books like A Room With A View, Madame Bovary, and even John Milton's 1667 biblical fanfiction epic Paradise Lost have been pulled from Orange County Public Schools, at least until media specialists can check to make sure they're not porn. Hell, even Ayn Rand has been censored, instead of allowing high schoolers to find out for themselves what a terrible writer and human she was.
The story notes that several works that have regularly been used in classes are on the rejected list, like The Color Purple, Catch-22, Brave New World, and The Kite Runner. Naturally, the district has also removed both The Bluest Eye and Beloved by Toni Morrison, who can't seem to help herself terrifying white parents with books that are entirely too much about Black women how dare she.
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The district hasn't yet finalized its lists of what books will be permanently banned or restricted to certain grade levels, and which will be allowed back into classrooms; the district's "media specialists" are spending the whole summer reviewing every single book in classroom libraries to make sure children aren't corrupted by mentions of sex, gay people, or Black people who don't smile obligingly enough, we assume.
The Sentinel explains,
Some books rejected earlier this summer, among them “The Scarlet Letter” and Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” have since been approved, according to the lists shared with the Orlando Sentinel by a district teacher and by an advocacy group that obtained a rejection list through a public records request. Other books have been approved but only for certain grades.
Four plays by William Shakespeare, including “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” are currently listed as approved for grades 10 through 12 only, as is Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood” and Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire,” the lists show.
Fans of The Simpsons will recall that Streetcar! is a musical spectacular featuring the sexy, muscular Ned Flanders and the cheery closing number, "You Can Always Depend on the Kindness of Strangers (A Stranger's Just a Friend you Haven't Met)."
Many books are being rejected — temporarily or permanently — because for some reason there's mention of sex, which Great Literature never mentions but smut like Othello does. The explanation listed for many titles on the rejected list is simply "Depicts or describes sexual conduct (not allowed per HB 1069-2023," which Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed as part of his presidential campaign. Pretty cruel to have a censorship law with 69 in it, if you ask us.
The new law makes book challenges easier and, if the concern is sexual content, requires the books to be removed from the shelves within five days and remain inaccessible to students while being reviewed. Republican lawmakers said they passed it to make sure pornography and books that depict sexual activity are kept from children.
Mind you, there's really not any porn in schools, and the law includes an apparently useless clause noting that even works with nudity or boinking can only be considered pornographic if they lack "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value." Of course, once there's a complaint, that has to be determined by the school media specialists.
The Sentinel spoke to a teacher who said, "The last thing I would have expected to be rejected is Milton,” what with Paradise Lost being a "cornerstone of Western Literature" and all that. Yr Wonkette hasn't looked at it since comparative lit in grad school (Dante and Chaucer are way more fun), but yeah, there are indeed sex scenes in Paradise Lost, including Adam and Eve Doing It before the Fall (and unmarried at that, because there's no sin in the Garden) and after. Hope you're ready for some hot fuck action:
Handed they went; and eased the putting off
Those troublesome disguises which we wear,
Straight side by side were laid; nor turned, I ween,
Adam from his fair spouse, nor Eve the rites
Mysterious of connubial love refused
They was NAKED. Then after the Fall they screw again, only lustfully. Yeah, yeah, we know, you'll be in your bower.
The ninth grade teacher said he believes the new laws imply that "I have horrible intentions for my students," when he simply wants to get kids excited about reading and understanding literature, and isn't that always the excuse they give when they're peddling smut like Kurt Vonnegut and Alice Walker and Edgar Allen Poe?
“We are in this because we really care about the stuff that we teach and really care about the content we get to introduce our students to,” he said.
If the rejected list doesn’t change, he said, he will have to remove novels like “The Handmaid’s Tale” and “Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team and a Dream” from his classroom bookshelves as they are rejected for all grades, as well as “Crime and Punishment” and “In Cold Blood,” which are now rejected for 9th grade, which he teaches.
Yeah, that Dostoevsky, what a creep. Another teacher said she was "gobsmacked" to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream rejected, even temporarily, and was downright angry at the rejection of works she had used in advanced placement classes, like Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany, which like virtually all the books mentioned here has yet to be adapted into a porno.
She selects novels “to engage my students, to offer them literature that makes them think,” and some books meant to describe “the adolescent experience” contain sexual content. But they are not pornographic or inappropriate and it upset her to see them on the rejected list.
“It’s just so frustrating and disheartening,” she said.
You know, it's almost as if writers think sex is an important aspect of human life and motivation, an essential part of literature, even. That's what kids have to be protected from, for sure. Fahrenheit 451 had it right: Books just make people unhappy, so best we get rid of them.
[ Orlando Sentinel / Image generated using DreamStudio AI and Photoshop]
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