Jake Sherman from Punchbowl News just opined that Jim Jordan will win the Speakership tomorrow.

I sure hope he's wrong.

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But George Santos is the lost 7th Cylon!

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Love that last scene from Angel!

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Yay, Angel!

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see? smart aliens. didn't want to put up with his ass either.

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The Republicans - I should say, EVEN the Republicans - are going to kick Santos out, but not before they have his vote for Speaker.

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I don't see what the big downside is to being in the minority--you still get paid, you still get a staff and office, and you can spend your time speaking out against the majority and working towards the next election. It's not like some sort of hazardous and difficult job! How coddled are these people that it's too unbearable for them to stick around?

And voters pick up on these messages. You stand and fight and save retirement for when your party has a better chance of getting your replacement elected, you selfish cowards.

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It's early yet. Let's not panic just let...but let's start campaigning all the same.

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Alot of those people were getting death threats from the crazies. Their families were getting threatened.

It must have been terrifying. So yeah I wanted them to stay and fight. Imagine 3 more seats. But I can not blame them.

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Not the point of the discussion but that header just reminded me of how much I miss President Obama.

Le sigh.

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Reminds me of how much more he could have accomplished if too many people hadn’t decided they needed to “teach the democrats a lesson” in 2010.

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Then midterms gave him the no congress from hell with McFuckface destroying the entire judicial system.

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The midterms, you mean? I'm sure that's what you meant but just asking to be sure (I'm not caffeinated enough yet. LOL)

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That this is a thing is beyond me. We’re a nation full of really bad or deluded people; I wish I was given to superstition so I could maybe make sense of it.

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Deluded. They've been brainwashed over the past 35 years by Fox News, Limbaugh, Carlson, Hannity, Facebook, AM radio etc., etc, and etc. Think about it - every single Republican under the age of about 60 has never, in their entire adult life, heard anything but "Dems hate America!" and "Fake news!"

I had drinks with a really great lady whose about 75. For some reason, she brought up PAB and I'd had just enough gin to ask her why, as a really devout person, she supports an unrepentant serial adulterer who bragged about trying to screw another man's wife.

"Oh, that's fake news," she said. I told her that in fact, there's audio of PAB actually bragging about trying to screw Nancy O'Dell, and that he was bummed she used "being married" as a defense to the adultery PAB wanted to commit.

She had NO IDEA there was an "Access Hollywood" recording. None. Because it was never played on any outlet from which she gets her information. Just extrapolate that over the last 35 years and you'll see that "deluded" is the correct choice.

I sure wish I knew how to undo such brainwashing, but I don't. Yet.

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When The Big Bang Theory premiered, it occurred to me that there was an entire generation that had never seen scientists portrayed in a positive light, even if it was the nerdy, socially-awkward trope. All scientists were dangerous idealogues whose every move was designed to advance their secret agenda, which was never good for the average person.

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Even when they hear it they dismiss it, even if it’s from Trump’s own mouth. They’ll say he was kidding, or meant something else, and if that doesn’t work for them, they’ll admit he’s flawed but still the only man for the job. They adjust their memories to avoid conflicts between past and present statements, call contradictions “fake news”, and just flat out refuse to acknowledge cognitive dissonance. When asked to reconcile two diametrically opposed beliefs they have stated, they’ll just respond, “Well, I don’t know about that.”

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Yep, and I have no idea how to change those people.

That's why I will probably always think that the way to Democratic victory is not to try and sway Republicans or "independents", but rather to get more actual Democrats to the polls.

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Exactly. They are waste of time. Getting the younger generations registered and actually to the polls is our only hope of drowning out the lies and conspiracies. They are more diverse than the older generations.

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They have been told anything but Fox News was propaganda from the left. So like in Russia, they watch only one network. Although Newsmax has taken some of the Fox crowd as Fox occasionally lets a Democrat fact check them. I bet Newsmax has never shown any of the numerous recordings and photos of rioters swarming over the Capitol steps and scaffolding like fire ants, assaulting police, busting down doors and windows, racing down halls, and screaming to hang Pence and Pelosi. If they saw anything of the insurrection it was of a few people wandering around the rotunda. They probably even edited the rebel flag out on that scene.

This is the most dangerous aspect of losing the fairness doctrine, where news shows had to present both sides of political views by advocates of each side. Which is nothing like the "both sides" attitude of current news shows, which treats a stutter by a Democrat the same as a felony insurrection charge against a Republican. Or sometimes even worse, equating a stutter with dementia while ignoring another politician mangling the language in a hate and lie filled speech.

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I loved the ending of Angel, though I was saddened by it having to end at all. But one of the lines from Angel that most often springs to mind, and which somewhat apropos here, was from back in Season 2:

"If there's no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters... , then all that matters is what we do. 'Cause that's all there is. What we do. Now. Today."

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That was a common theme in the whedonvverse. In the commentary track on Firefly’s episode “objects in space” Joss said he was inspired long ago by Sarte’s existentialism, and that philosophical perspective has been present in a lot of his pieces.

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Angel and Buffy were our "family shows" back in the day when our daughters were in High School and my late husband was still around. Our rule was "no watching if even one of us was missing."

I think those shows were wonderful Teaching Moments for our kids.

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"All I want to do is help." God, I loved that scene.

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Judge pushes back on defense claims of "censorship"

She says Trump doesn't have unfettered 1st amendment rights when he's a criminal defendant

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"He's a survivor...."

As is PAB. (IE: He won't go the fuck away.)

As are fucking COCKROACHES.

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You're supposed to fight, dammit. Not show your belly because you're afraid it might be hard.

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."

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That quote is from a Marilyn Chambers movie, isn't it?

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Oct 16, 2023
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JFK: "I choose to sleep with Marilyn Monroe, not because she is easy, but because I am hard."

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The motto of every single startup ever.

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Defense argues any gag order would "be asymmetrical" and wouldn't "apply to Joe Biden"

Judge Chutkan responds swiftly: "Joe Biden isn't a party to this case... And he's not under release conditions"

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Is DEFENDANT in the courtroom?

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Sleepy Joe lives rent free only in trump's brain, but in his lawyers' brains.

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Despite holding the title POTUS for four years IncompeDon has NEVER understood the functional boundaries of the bodies of US government, nor precisely how they operated.

He is an abject moran.

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He thought he was King.

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Apparently he still does.

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To the tumbrels!

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I don't think this is going to go PAB's way:

Defense says proposed gag order is the best example "you can come up with" to violate 1st Amendment

Defense again argues Trump hasn't made threats, made accusations about witnesses or said anything that amounts to intimidation. "What you've put in place is working"

Judge laughs

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Judge says Trump's post-indictment statements have referenced

1) DC or jury pool

2) Biden Admin

3) Jack Smith

4) Judges & their staffs

5) political witnesses

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[rubs hands together in eager anticipation of the details]

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