"they figured a compromised George Santos flailing under scandal after scandal and, eventually, felony indictments for wire fraud and money laundering, that the report had red-flagged was still better than a Democrat holding the seat:"

And that is what George Santos was probably counting on.

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The strength of America is that anybidy can be a Rep/Senator/President.

The weakness of America is that anybidy can be a Rep/Senator/President.

And that the GOP is comlletely and irrevicably crooked.

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He can't help it. Recently, on a radio show he claimed that he went to Baruch on a volleyball scholarship.

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I thought he went on a Miss America scholarship after winning under the name of "Kitara."

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this is no way to treat a Congressional Medal of honor reipient

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I've heard he also invented the newspaper, so I'm pretty sure it's illegal for any newspaper to report negatively on him.

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Actually, if all Democrats are communist Marxist cannibalistic pedophiles, as the GOP claim, then so far, Santos is a better option to fill that seat. If true.

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America has grabbed its ankles and shown its filthy bottom. There are no standards for electing officials at the highest levels of government. Maybe that’s a testament to American freedom. Or, maybe we are a collection of half-wits, criminals and a few smart people who can’t come together and agree that if your entire life story is a lie, or if you incite an attack on Congress to steal an election you lost, maybe you should be disqualified as a leader of our nation?

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I respectfully disagree here. First, voters didn't know about Pinnochia Santos until after he was elected. I think one local newspaper brought up some of his shady stuff but it was basically ignored.

Dump didn't win the popular vote then and he won't win it now. It's going to be almost two decades since a Republican won the popular vote, and the last time was only because America was in a panic about 9/11. If you discount that - the last time a Republican won the popular vote was in 1988 - a whopping 34 years ago.

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But the popular vote doesn't count. Only the EC Valedictator counts, and even then, only if the billionaires took SCOTUS out for ice cream.

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Agreed. Only with rampant gerrymandering and voter suppression can they even compete anymore. Reagan fooled a lot of working class people with his trickle down bullshit. Give MORE money to the rich, and watch it fall from the sky like green snow. He knew exactly what he was doing, helping his wealthy friends and doners, the Republican way. I mostly meant even when republicans know the truth about a horrible person (Santos, PAB, everyone else) they simply double down.

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2004 actually

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Yes, I said that. But if you discount 2004, when Bush was re-elected only because of the 9/11 panic, the last time they won the popular vote was 1988.

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I really did wonder if Santos was doing a bit a la Borat there, for a little while.

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Wait, Santos had aides???

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Yes but he got better.

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Leave this poor man alone!

His mother was killed at the Somme, on 9/11 and during the Battle of Agincourt. Hasn’t he suffered enough??

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and he lost his father on D-day at Normandy. I wont say which side

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Little known fact....Crispin named his first line of footwear after Fátima Aziza Caruso Horta Devolder.......the most famous line of womens fashion of the era.......

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Not a chance.

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Oh my gawd, why is he still there and why did the Dems whiff sit o badly in this elections aaaahhhh my head is exploding.

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The reason for the loss was when a corrupt Republican judge ordered a special master to do re-re-distrcting cause the Dems in Albany tried to play hardball when they did the re-districting.

The result in that the 3rd Congressional District which was only been on Long Island, was extended to a very right-wing area of Queens, and that made all the difference.

Meanwhile another judge has ordered a re-re-redistricting for the state as everyone knew the corrupt judge that ordered the 2nd re-districting was trying to get a friend into a seat, which fortunately failed, or congress would be WAY worse off it that turd had won. See below...


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Interesting. So less whiffing and more fuckery then.

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well, that does make a smidge more sense.

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Fuck my congressvermin. Hear that, Elise?

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Upstate NY, eh? I grew up near Awalbany, as it is pronounced.

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The modern GOP is the crack cocaine of corruption.

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"Or maybe the Republicans could have stopped Santos themselves, if they weren’t either idiots or so desperate for a House majority that they figured a compromised George Santos flailing under scandal after scandal and, eventually, felony indictments for wire fraud and money laundering, that the report had red-flagged was still better than a Democrat holding the seat"

First off, AOT, K, and secondly, everyone knows that felony indictments INCREASE your level of support on the right, because IOKIYAR.

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The guy told so many lies he had to hire an outside firm to remember them all.

Nowadays he no doubt keeps track of them on his phone.

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He's a Republican in the House until next year.. He'll be the first human on Mars the way hei's going to get his ass kicked next November.

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Seriously, is there a shady thing this guy hasn’t been involved in? Oh wait, he’s a Republican in the House so he’s got a way to go. Move your ass there Georgie you’re falling behind.

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He could have caught that ball last night and have 1st and goal from the nine.

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But he left his catcher's mitt at the roller rink!

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