Sorry dudes, but if you don't want to experience the beauty and cosmic joy that is George Zimmerman's brother explaining Race Facts at you, just go ahead and wait for the next post.
Still with us? Then you get to learn that Zimmerman's brother, Robert Zimmerman Jr.*, is tweeting pictures of Trayvon Martin coupled with the kid who has been charged with shooting that lady's baby, and explaining that DID YOU KNOW THEY ARE BOTH BLACK TEENS? Yes, George Zimmerman's brother has America totally dialed: black teens shoot and murder babies, so his brother, who shot and killed an unarmed black teen, IS NOT A RACIST. QED motherfuckers!
"Blacks are thugs and murderers, I'm not a racist" does not seem like the best defense, but it is Florida, so maybe it will work awesome. Since last night, Robert Zimmerman has been on a Twitter rampage, explaining that everything is the media's fault, and that explaining that blacks are violent monsters is the opposite of racism, because his family is Hispanic.
(That the shooting of Trayvon Martin could not have been racially motivated because the shooter himself is a minority is one of our "favorite" -- not favorite -- tropes of this whole fucked thing. We just love when Tucker Carlson plays dumb.)
So congratulations, Robert Zimmerman Jr., on your airtight logic and million steps forward for our postracial society. With patriots like you, who needs Stormfront?
*Not Bob Dylan, presumably.
[ Mediaite ]
Minorities are racist by having a race of course.
Clearly, everyone who's ever flashed the bird is a stone-cold murderer who deserves to be shot for buying skittles. Apart from Maverick, of course, because white.