Quick, everybody leave the engine on your Hummer running, all night, with the AC cranked! Sorry the Maldives, but we must use global warming to melt all the icebergs, because gays! Wait what? Oh, humanity is the Titanic, and gays are the iceberg that murders the Titanic. But what does that make Leonardo DiCaprio? It makes him Jesus ("King" of the "World," amirite?) dying for Kate Winslet's sins. And who is the drunken captain? (John Boehner.) (Oh wait, that was the Exxon Valdez.) (Did the Titanic have a drunken captain? If you have seen the movie, could you let us know?) What about that captain in Italy who refused to go back on the ship and help save all his passengers? (He is Barack Obama, probably, because he was a shiftless pussy.)
Metaphors are hard, you guys. Here, watch RightWingWatch's video, and make some "metaphors" of your own!
[ RightWingWatch ]
Makes as much sense as anything these fuckers say.
<i>&quot;There are just a couple steps before the military could be used in a persecution of those who are viewed as enemies of the new state police system&quot;</i>
WRONG! There are no steps. It&#039;s called the USA PATRIOT Act. See ya in Guantanamo or behind the surveyor&#039;s marks of a drone missile .
Which of the Village People will be doing that persecution? The Navy guy or the Army guy. I don&#039;t think it will be the Indian* guy.
I thought we had the Second Amendment and all those guns to prevent tyranny. If all those guns can be overpowered by the radical homosexual agenda, I surrender now. <i>Miss Lindsey, you have such pretty eyes.</i> _____________________________________ * politically incorrect reference to see if I get persecuted