Glenn Beck Offers To Donate Himself To Israel, If Israel Is Into That Sort Of Thing
Here, Bibi, have this weird Mormon dude.
Does Israel need Glenn Beck? Is that what will comfort Israel right now in its time of need? Just an entire batshit Mormon, come from America to provide the important service of we’re not sure what?
‘Cause he’ll do it. Please ask him, O Israel. He’s waiting for you to ask.
Just kidding he’ll ask Israel first.
Beck says he wrote Benjamin Netanyahu a letter.
BECK: I don’t know why I was born.
Beats the fuck out of us too.
But there is something about the state of Israel that connects deeply to me. And standing up this time, as opposed to every other time there has been a progrom
Not a typo, he said “progrom.”
or a Holocaust, 19 Holocausts, all of the progroms
He said it again. Glenn Beck is very freaked out about the progroms.
where they would come in and just clean a town out of all the Jews. To have the privilege to stand with the Jew is a tremendous honor spiritually.
So I wanna read a letter that I wrote that I am sending to the state of Israel.
“To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the honorable officials at the state of Israel. I write this to you in a time of profound significance.
One two skip a few, spoiler it is Glenn Beck Israel-splaining Israeli history to Israel.
“The drums of war beat again …
Oh get a room, dude.
“In this moment, I have chosen to ask you for citizenship in the state of Israel.”
Ayup. That’s where the clip above cuts off, but Beck adds in the letter that “I have nothing to offer but my voice of support, and some might say that my support might be more valuable as an independent voice.”
Again, he has nothing to offer, and they might not want it. But just in case Israel is like “aw fuck yeah Glenn Beck!”
Beck wrote, “But my request for citizenship is not about words, it is about deeds. Why, one might wonder, would I want to embrace a heritage and identity that is so ruthlessly hunted down, again and again?
“Yet it is precisely during such moments that we must choose to stand.”
Well OK then. Israel, don’t you want some of Glenn Beck’s deeds?
To read more of the letter, click here. To not read more of the letter, don’t do that.
Unrelated, here’s an article from 13 years ago about that time Glenn Beck spread antisemitic conspiracy theories about a young child George Soros helping to send his fellow Jews to Auschwitz.
[video via RightWingWatch]
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{insert words that avoid revealing anything important but that tells people that now is a good time to be happy for CD}
Glenn is not progrommed to respond in that area.