Yes. that's true. As I said, it was probably the right thing to do, and something nobody ever wants to do, especially with a baby! My BIL was on life support after a heart attack at a very young age, and it was almost impossible to accept that he wasn't going to come back to us, no matter how long the machines kept him going. But, "pulling the plug" was the right thing to do, for him. It about killed my MIL.

No, Republicans paid no attention to that baby's poor parents, not in Texas, and not in Washington. Not even to say "thoughts and prayers" or "Maybe the doctors are tight in this case." Nothing. And Randall Terrorist didn't care about him either.

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Ref Johnson’s position on abortion, that it is an economic issue…slavery was an economic issue too, to the slave owners.

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As a man, I have an absolute right to comment on abortion, right up until…the tip of my dick. Beyond that, I’ve got no rights to speak.

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I never see these Evilngelicals offering to raise, feed, clothe, and house all the unwanted babies, rapists' babies, etc. Ta, Robyn.

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I haven't checked but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the new speaker is a Cath-O-Lick. If so, he's probably going to back himself into a corner when it's time to justify capital punishment and preventing migrants from seeking refuge in the USA. If he's evangelical, then he's okay.

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You clearly don't know Louisiana.

New Orleans/SE Louisiana and the Acadiana triangle immediately to it's west? Absolutely Catholic.

Everything north of that? (Johnson is from Shreveport up in the northwest corner of the state) East Texas/West Mississippi, and as redneck-Baptist-evangelical as it gets.

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He's most definitely a Talibangelical. He cites David Barton as his favorite 'historian' and he did legal work for the stoopid Ark park in Dumbfuckistan, err, 'Kentucky' via the Alliance Defense Fund.

"Johnson has been tied to multiple Baptist churches over the years and currently attends Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana"


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I agree that bans have not worked to Republican advanatge but we should still be wary of 15 week bans because those actually poll at a 55% level when they are promoted as only barring "late abortion", which many pro-choice voters are still reflexively uncomfortable about.

We should be responding out that over 90% of abortions-by-choice already happen by 15 weeks but that later abortions are solely for when a wanted pregnancy goes tragically wrong for the mother or the fetus and that those must be protected precisely because they are about serious medical issues.

Make the proponents of this cut-off specifically defend why pregnancies that are killing the mother or the fetus cannot end before the tragedy and danger get worse.

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You cannot normally get an amniocentesis before 15 weeks, so it is practically impossible to find out whether your fetus has a fatal genetic defect in time to have the full range of possible decisions available to you with a 15 week cutoff. As someone who got that news and had a second-trimester abortion, I can assure you I wasn't lollygagging about any of it. Had abortion been unavailable, I might not have survived the experience, and I would definitely not have been able to been able to bring myself to try again. Election Day is my child's 26th birthday (we're looking for some good birthday presents from the voters around here, so I hope they come through), a child who would never have existed but for that abortion.

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"In the aftermath of the mass shooting in Maine on Wednesday night, in which 18 people were killed and 13 wounded, a clip circulated of Johnson blaming mass shootings on 20th-century American reforms. Listing “no fault divorce laws”, “the sexual revolution”, “radical feminism” and “government-sanctioned killing of the unborn”, he said had liberals had created “a completely amoral society” in which young Americans were “taught there is no right and wrong”."

This guy really, REALLY hates women. Hope he's somehow containable.

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That Maine shooter is 40, isn't he? Not exactly a "young American" imo.

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As someone in my 40s, I am insulted by your entirely correct statement. How dare. /s

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Feel free to choose your response. You are old enough.

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Jesus really loves him some guns.

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Wait, don't they all hate women? I think the big news would be to find out they like us.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

The GOP are the ones saying banning assault style rifles is just the 'first step' in repealing the 2nd Amendment. I'd ask them why we can't apply THAT logic to their proposed 'common sense' abortion bans.

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Logic is anathema to Republicans.

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If, as they say they believe, abortion is murder, why isn’t it murder before 15 weeks? Or 12 or 6?

Yet another logical fallacy from the people who say mass shootings are caused by doors and video games.

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It's the boiling frog thing. They pretend that a 15- or 12- or 6-week ban is a reasonable compromise that they will then lower after people get used to the first limit. I almost respect the lawmakers in the states that just went full YOLO and banned it outright after Dobbs, since at least they were being honest about it.

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Is the plural of Doofus Doofi?

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People often describe women who have abortions as selfish, petty, awful monsters.

If you actually believe those things are true, then those are reasons to drive her to her appointment, not stop her.

If you truly think someone is awful, why would you want them to reproduce?

If you truly think someone is awful, why would you want them anywhere near children?

On what planet does it make sense to "punish" a woman by making her go through with a pregnancy? If it's insulting to see pregnancy as a disease, it's not better to use it as a punishment.

WHY do you want to put a CHILD in the middle of that? Seriously, what child deserves to be an instrument of punishment for their parents? WTF logic is that?

If pregnancy is so awesome and magical, you shouldn't want awful "monsters" to have anything to do with it. You should be happy an innocent life is not being left in their care. You should be thrilled this "monster" isn't making MORE monsters.

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We should also remind these Repub lawmakers that the people having the most abortions (according to Rs) are all Dems. Don't they want fewer Dem voters? We're just doing them a favor!

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Children are tainted with evil and instruments of punishment. No, not in the Bible but he has never read it. He just reads Opus Dei.

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Every sperm is sacred.

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They also need to be reminded that 2/3 of abortion patients already have at least one child they're caring for.

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Well said Hunk, well said.

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Ask one of the those "pro-life" nutjobs how many other people's unwanted kids they've adopted, and watch them shut up. That, or they'll tell you're stupid, and you don't understand.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Regarding those stupid road bans, I suggest flooding the roads (edit: or snitch lines) with false positives. Maybe get a bumper sticker that says, “I’M DRIVING YOUR MOM TO GET AN ABORTION.”

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I’m not more masochistic than the average liberal, but these bloody-minded monomaniacs thumped the tub for 40 fucking years, and meanwhile our side didn’t turn up for elections. And the inevitable became evitable.

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2016 was all about the Supreme Court. Thanks Comer. Burn in hell.

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And fuck the fucking NYT.

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Senior moment!

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SO many of those evil fuckers to keep track of. It is a challenge.

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