Ta, Evan. No notes. Yes, let's win it ALL, wherever possible, not just the trifecta but state legislatures, governorships, mayoralties, state assemblies, state senates, city councils, municipal councils, county sheriffs, etc. IOW, AOT, K.
To be unfortunately honest, President Harris won’t be able to make real progress unless we get 60 senators. And the odds of that are the proverbial fart in a hurricane. BUT…a majority would be nice, and would maybe allow incremental progress if the Assmouth stench is erased from their nostrils. A majority of Dems and a few Repugs who think for themselves might be the ticket.
Except that statehood for DC and the "big five" territories (if they choose it by referendum) would get us 12 new Senators permanently. Kill the filibuster, statehood for the territories, and add four seats to the Supreme Court with all of them being nominated by Harris. All any of that would take is a simple majority. And it would emasculate the Minority Rule Coalition, quite possibly forever.
This is starting to annoy me, Wonkette. Yes, I understand that Senate races are the easiest down-ballot races to cover. But ya know what? If MAGA steals this election, they will not do it in the Senate. They will do it in the Statehouses, and the U.S. House of Representatives. Could we maybe get some love for key gubernatorial contests and nail-biter House races?
I love this woman. That is all. She stood up with the Justin's and rightfully called out the racism of their expulsion. I happily gave to their re-election campaigns. money well spent!
Point of personal privilege: I am from and live in Wisconsin. Ron Johnson does indeed hold a Senate seat from this State, but he's not "from" Wisconsin. He was born and raised in the State to our west, Minnesota. (It's bad enough that we have elected him multiple times to the Senate; don't saddle us with his place of birth, too.)
Knoxville here. I saw that Gloria was at the Down Home in Johnson City last night and was here last week(couldn't go, cancer in the house again). There's a momentum I haven't seen before and hopefully the wackos will have to acknowledge that not everybody here are religious nuts like them
Let's mount up! And hey let's all vote and be legends. Maybe we might be able to bring some surprising victories. Let's see if Tennesseans are going to be able to bring this kind, caring woman to the Senate in a massive upgrade over Blackburn. And let's cheer them on with the long odds.
Hello and a fine morning to every single wonk! Here is another new piece of writing. It's long, but I think it's pretty darn good myself. Come with me while I Captain my ship and have a little adventure into memory with me! ☸️ https://bluepnwcats.substack.com/p/captaining-my-soul
I am tempted to say Sen. Kennedy (R-Gatorfuck) should be on the list but I don't think he's stupid he just likes to carry on in public like he is stupid.
I was just thinking, it sure would be nice to see what happens when a Democrat inherits a good economy instead of having to spend most of their term cleaning up the mess the Republicans left. If Harris gets a Dem Congress to work with, it might finally put the nail in the coffin of the myth that R's are better for the economy.
It would be great. But that myth is deeply entrenched thanks to evergreen generalizations like, "the Republicans stick up for business, so they must be good for the economy." They don't seem to register that the kind of business we are talking about makes all the difference in the world. Republicans are for DOUBLEPLUSBIG Business, not so much for small businesses.
Ta, Evan. No notes. Yes, let's win it ALL, wherever possible, not just the trifecta but state legislatures, governorships, mayoralties, state assemblies, state senates, city councils, municipal councils, county sheriffs, etc. IOW, AOT, K.
Ask that fat bitch Gloria why she voted no on giving the death penalty for pedophiles. She probably didn’t want to alienate her key voters!
For your sake, I hope that was sarcasm.
I imagine it's because she thinks the death penalty is wrong, no matter who you want to apply it to.
And you can fuck right on out of here.
Are you lost?
To be unfortunately honest, President Harris won’t be able to make real progress unless we get 60 senators. And the odds of that are the proverbial fart in a hurricane. BUT…a majority would be nice, and would maybe allow incremental progress if the Assmouth stench is erased from their nostrils. A majority of Dems and a few Repugs who think for themselves might be the ticket.
Except that statehood for DC and the "big five" territories (if they choose it by referendum) would get us 12 new Senators permanently. Kill the filibuster, statehood for the territories, and add four seats to the Supreme Court with all of them being nominated by Harris. All any of that would take is a simple majority. And it would emasculate the Minority Rule Coalition, quite possibly forever.
This is starting to annoy me, Wonkette. Yes, I understand that Senate races are the easiest down-ballot races to cover. But ya know what? If MAGA steals this election, they will not do it in the Senate. They will do it in the Statehouses, and the U.S. House of Representatives. Could we maybe get some love for key gubernatorial contests and nail-biter House races?
I love this woman. That is all. She stood up with the Justin's and rightfully called out the racism of their expulsion. I happily gave to their re-election campaigns. money well spent!
Point of personal privilege: I am from and live in Wisconsin. Ron Johnson does indeed hold a Senate seat from this State, but he's not "from" Wisconsin. He was born and raised in the State to our west, Minnesota. (It's bad enough that we have elected him multiple times to the Senate; don't saddle us with his place of birth, too.)
Knoxville here. I saw that Gloria was at the Down Home in Johnson City last night and was here last week(couldn't go, cancer in the house again). There's a momentum I haven't seen before and hopefully the wackos will have to acknowledge that not everybody here are religious nuts like them
May cancer get out of your house ASAP.
Another TayTay endorsement and maybe a concert for Gloria and other D candidates in TN is in order
Surprising things happen when you vote, even in unreconstructed states like this.
Check your registration at least, because there's other close races that can be affected too. And bring a friend.
www.vote.org, www.vote.gov or www.iwillvote.com
Let's mount up! And hey let's all vote and be legends. Maybe we might be able to bring some surprising victories. Let's see if Tennesseans are going to be able to bring this kind, caring woman to the Senate in a massive upgrade over Blackburn. And let's cheer them on with the long odds.
Maybe Blackburn meant Democrat women were "step-forward wives", being agents of progress and all.
Don't see a path to victory in the Senate. If it happens it will be the moral arc of universe bending just enough.
Dobbs is a unique inflection point in history. GOP has no idea what's about to happen to them.
Hello and a fine morning to every single wonk! Here is another new piece of writing. It's long, but I think it's pretty darn good myself. Come with me while I Captain my ship and have a little adventure into memory with me! ☸️ https://bluepnwcats.substack.com/p/captaining-my-soul
Pigfuck McHeeHaw is going to be SO mad he didn't make the top three.
There must be close to a dozen "top three" idiots in the Senate. It'd be a photo finish, for sure.
I am tempted to say Sen. Kennedy (R-Gatorfuck) should be on the list but I don't think he's stupid he just likes to carry on in public like he is stupid.
I was just thinking, it sure would be nice to see what happens when a Democrat inherits a good economy instead of having to spend most of their term cleaning up the mess the Republicans left. If Harris gets a Dem Congress to work with, it might finally put the nail in the coffin of the myth that R's are better for the economy.
It's the only argument they have and, like their guns, it will be ripped from their cold dead hands before they admit they may have been wrong.
It would be great. But that myth is deeply entrenched thanks to evergreen generalizations like, "the Republicans stick up for business, so they must be good for the economy." They don't seem to register that the kind of business we are talking about makes all the difference in the world. Republicans are for DOUBLEPLUSBIG Business, not so much for small businesses.
Just like they support wars, but not soldiers?
I would so love to see the S.S. Blackburn take two torpedoes midship! That's the timeline I want to be on.