Go Away, Executive Branch: 16 Hours In
With almost 4,000 votes cast, there's already a clear leader in the contest for the word or phrase that most makes Wonkette readers want to stick forks in their ears: "Anyone hating anyone's freedom." Relative newcomer "Stay the course" is a distant second with the just-coined and not even that often repeated "We don't torture" making a strong showing as well. I admit some disappointment that "Gotta clear the debris" isn't doing better -- though, on second thought, I wish the president would say thatmore. It's the Texas twang he puts on the "-is," like he was saying "bris."
Go here to vote (or vote again), voting closes tomorrow on this round. Next week: Scott McClellan banned words and phrases.
Other categories to come:
•Banned words and phrases for the media
•Banned words and phrases, judicial and legislative branches
Send nominations towith "go away" in the subject line. Together, we can harness our annoyance into a major hissyfit!
RELATED: The Go Away Poll, Executive Branch Division [Wonkette]