Go Do Three Weekends' Worth Of Stuff During This One Weekend
So there are basically two weekends in this month, January 2009, that are count-y ones: last weekend, as you and what's left of your liver will recall, was New Year's Eve; next weekend, hordes of earnest young people will swarm your streets, your bars, and, for a fee, your futons for a glimpse of Rick Warren. So this weekend, take advantage of your DC: go see Lloyd Dobler (the band) and Bette Davis (the person) and Dupont (the place).
Rock-y, Latin-y Lloyd Dobler Effect at the Black Cat. $12; 8 PM. [ 9: 30 Club ]
Local experimental group Imperial China will be at the Velvet Lounge. 9 PM; $8. [ Velvet Lounge ]
Check out the "creative space" Flashpoint, at which there will be candy and women -- and only some of the latter are paintings! 6 PM - 10 PM. [ DCist ]
Most galleries in Dupont are celebrating the second Friday of the month with a First Friday celebration, during which usual First Friday activities will take place. [ DCist ]
See Bette Davis in Jezebel and then Hallelujah , one of the first first studio films with an all black cast. It stars Roland Burris, as himself. Jezebel at 1 PM, Hallelujah at 3 PM; both free. [ Washington Post ]
The British-sounding Telograph is visiting all the way from sounds-like-Britain to play at the Iota Club. Go see them. 9 PM; $10. [ Iota Club & Cafe ]