Going Back To Houston, Do The Hot Dog Dance
"We returned to Columbia Heights and witnessed a mass congregation of firetrucks and pedestrians lurking on the sidewalk as a major blaze took hold of an apartment building on Mt. Pleasant St. We were able to get close to the blaze, scale a building and capture some moments as DC's finest attempted to quell a wild fire." [ Brightest Young Things ]
"Oh yes indeed, I asked for hot dog controversy, and WaPo has tracked it down for me. The guys who sell the junk food to the street vendors are outraged -- appalled, even! -- that the city might grant some vendor licenses to people who wouldn't buy their Utz potato chips and crappy hot dogs." [ Metroblogging DC ]
"After a slew of EPs, they've finally released their first full length album, Cross, and Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay are now traveling the country making sure that if you didn't know them before, you will now. They played a sold out show last night at the 9: 30 Club, a night when the venue felt very much like an actual night club, as opposed to your standard rock show." [ DCist ]
"Guns and illicit drugs have a lot of things in common in the District. They're both illegal. They're both highly valued by their owner. And they tend to be expensive." [ why.i.hate.dc ]
"No skinny to tell you about but Donna was talking about a conversation she had with Nancy Pelosi yesterday and that they are confident a democrat will take over the White House, stem cell and AIDS research will be funded full force and NIH will get a shit load of money." [ Diary of a DC Cabbie ]