Crip Dyke, I love you (as a nonstalkery fan) devotedly, and I know you'll understand when I say both:

I love this fucking website more because it is the home of some of your writing.


Please for those of us who *are* trans reconsider leaving that fucking slur in as is. I hope it dies in a fire for that use (although I support others' choice to reclaim it for themselves.)

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Yeah, it's a hard decision. In this case I wanted to point out that CNN did not bleep it, while they did bleep "fucking". Leaving it in served a very specific and important purpose in the critique.

But that doesn't mean it's necessary every time, and I will make sure I think seriously -- and consider your feelings -- every single time the word comes up for possible inclusion in a story.

Thank you so much for your feedback. It means the world to me that you feel comfortable disagreeing with me about something. I do get that there's a power dynamic at play between "author" and "commenter" even if I try to limit the distance between us. I'm never angry and almost always grateful (as I am this time) for honest critique that comes from a place that values trans people and other human beings.

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I appreciate that deeply. Before I forget, your take was spot on and desperately necessary, so much so that I have sent it in a little barrage to the smart people I know who will take interest in it. "Here, read this!"

On reflection, I was okay with it in the blockquote- it would be silly not to give it exactly as stated- but the second quote hit differently. Not exactly rational, is it?

I do enjoy Wonkette's comments for the general thoughtfulness & respect (and puns and fart jokes) I find here- it is rivalled only by The Toast, which is sadly defunct. Pooh.

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Good article. Thanks for bringing this up and enlightening us. Also, WTF is up with CNN anyhow?

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Getting turned on by sex involving a person does not imply that you have any affection for that person, or that you even consider them to be a human being. Just ask Southern plantation owners and countless enslaved women.

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Next up on CNN: poll shows that conservative heterosexual men who like to watch girl-on-girl porn are the worst anti-women’s-rights and anti-LGBT bigots of everyone we asked, we are for shocked. We are especially shocked at how many conservative men fall into category, really we had *no idea*.

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I like reading about cis and trans. It reminds me of my college course in Organic Chemistry which, for some strange reason, I enjoyed.

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I lead the local trans employee group at a large tech company office. At a meeting with other enployee-group leaders, we were brainstorming ideas for a big joint event involving all the groups having a chance to connect with the whole community.

The leader of one of the cultural-identity based groups suggested a food fair, to which the leader of the gay group, who has a great dry sense of humor, replied "I'm not aware of any gay foods, per se."

Everyone chuckled, then looked at me. "Um... Maybe I could make some cupcakes using trans fats?"

When the laughter died down, we moved on to other ideas. :)

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One of my good friends is an honest-to-goodness OChem professor at a major university you would be well aware of. I shall pass on your comment and the two of us, I'm sure, will share a warm laugh.

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Thank you for this, Crip Dyke. Long time reader and financial supporter of this mommy blog and recipe hub but this was the post that got me out of lurk, just for a moment. The way CNN covered this was setting off frissons of discomfort. There are so many layers of WTF its hard to tell where to look first (Black Nazi? A black man defending slavery? Do as I say?) I knew they were - probably deliberately - missing many undercurrents running thru it and I could see some but not all of them. This in particular was enlightening as I had never thought of it this way so, again, thank you.

"What Robinson is enjoying is the opportunity to watch porn that includes body parts doing things that he can relate to (and thus vicariously enjoy) without watching a cis man enjoy sexual pleasure - which for Robinson would almost certainly trigger uncomfortable homophobia."

Okay, back to the shadows...

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Thank you so much for being part of the Wonkette community, and I'm super glad we were able to give you something helpful.

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My girlfriend mentioned that she had never seen any trans porn, and was curious. Sadly, in my experience, the bulk of mainstream trans porn (like the bulk of mainstream anything porn) is mostly cartoonish and unimaginative, catering largely tothe stereotypical fantasies of heterosexual guys. I like porn where the perfomers (of any gender) look like they are having fun and enjoying themselves and look like real attractive human beings. Also, sex workers are workers who deserve the same respect, protection, and compensation as any other professionals. Also, I will never be elected anything, ever.

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I did notice that

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It's challenging as a trans person to separate the delight of watching the hypocrisy being exposed vs the rot behind it. The thought of being a sex object to be exploited in private and set up for murder in public is horror. I don't wish Robinson harm, but I hope his duplicity bears consequences. Thank you for the article.

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"I don't wish Robinson harm, but I hope his duplicity bears consequences."

Same here. It ought to. We despise him for his bigotry, they despise him because he has cheapened the brand of his bigotry.

Time to see if he can get a job as a Walmart greeter at this point.

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"Welcome to Walmart! I think you need killin'!"

Even the People Of Walmart don't deserve that overfed Uncle Tom.

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“Uncle Tom”? Show some respect, you. It should be “that overfed house lieutenant governor.”

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My name is Darcy. Couldn't figure out how to change the login.

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Hi, Darcy! I'd like to help. Up in the top right corner should be a Dashboard button and next to that the little purple circle that is your avatar (until you change it).

Press the avatar icon and at the very bottom of a long list of options is "settings".

Once you're on the "settings" page, chose to edit your profile.

on the Profile page, There's a blank for "name". Change Ryan to Darcy and you're done!

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I have a dream that one day Wonketeers will open their eyes and see that CNN is every bit as bigoted and generally fucked up as Fox, Newsmax, and OAN (does OAN still exist?) They put Trump in office in 2016 by basically ignoring Hillary Clinton --it's was all-Trump all the time. And they are doing it again. Legitimizing the illegitimate.

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You may be right, but to me, Hanlon's razor always applies: when deciding whether someone is acting out of malice or stupidity, always remember stupidity is far more common and likely.

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I much prefer malicious people to stupid people, because at least the former are predictable. YMMV

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I work for people who are stupidly malicious, or maliciously stupid. Still sorting things out.

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Beautifully put, Evan, while discussing an unlovely person.

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OK, I have one thing to say about this scandal.


It would make sad that you know how to read.

PS this is the only thing on the entire scandal worth reading

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This is so clearly & concisely written. I’m still learning and reading your work helps me so much. Thank you, Crip Dyke.

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A fantastic article. And also too, like very many weirdass creeps, he is a chaser that only goes for and fetishizes stereotypical elements of whatever sexual object he has. This is also why such sites like “NudeAfrica” would exist. And a large number of porn sites have incredibly crass chaser-friendly categories too.

I fully expect “bull” and “Mandingo” are part of his lexicon in addition to his flagrant transphobic objectification.

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I think this also helps explain the "trans people are perverts" slur.

If people like Robinson only acknowledge the existence of trans people in porn, then, to them, trans people become inherently and inescapably sexual. Even the mention of trans people is sexual in their eyes.

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Excellent point, which again, is an obvious and well-known result of the sexual objectification of cis-women in porn, but which somehow needs to be spelled-out when discussing trans-people in porn.

Thank you.

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Any more than watching snuff films means I love Snuffleupagus.


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You are brilliant and I love you.

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