Re the title, the GOP is also not playing with a full deck. They do have the Joker. Too many for one deck, in fact.

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Mike Johnson has an uncanny resemblance to Joe Flynn.

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"Donald Trump, like the raptors in “Jurassic Park,” is testing the perimeter looking for the weaknesses to exploit to cause mayhem and carnage. The problem is the weakness is the Republican Party as a whole and they control every branch of the government."

no notes.

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I've decided to revive the old name "Know-Nothing Party." Though "cult" would be more accurate.

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It's descriptive, but a bit "Elite"... how about just "Dumbfuck's Cult" instead?

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And you could tell that he was not liking it. Ha ha ha.

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Ta, MM. I. Just. Can't. Even. Once again, I'm glad this is your job and not mine.

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Just a thought, and then a set of thoughts to follow: the soulless hypocrisy of sinless sinners within far right [irony quotes] "Christianity" has neither an upper nor a lower limit to their invented BS....

They have no (real) moral compass; they utilize the lie of omission as they do the lie of doublespeak, or answering not the question they were posited but the one they wish they were asked in the first place. They have no (real) Savior, save for their gun-toting 'Murkkkan Jesus' an anti-Jesus as far as I can see (IMHO). They cannot prevent the truth so they simply invent their own, ad hoc — and ad hominem should ad hoc fail to provide the preferred reaction from viewers. Political creatures for millennia have been acutely aware that the less they say the more the electorate and non-electorate eat it up like sow at the trough.

Rome and Athens may be long gone; yet they are still here among and amidst us. "Cry 'Havoc'! And dissent — always and all ways, my beloveds!*"

*A non-quote from my make-believe internal mental version of Saint Molly of Irvins, may she eternally Rest In Power. 💖💖

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Here's a quote from Ambrose Bierce's 'The Devil's Dictionary:'

"Johnson's famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit that it is the first."

It also works for "Christianity."

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"Sure. It's an important issue for anyone in leadership. This is what I will say about the nominees that the president has put forward, is that they are persons who will shake up the status quo."

It is notable that Johnson didn't even try to claim that any of the proven rapist and hater of our troops senile Old Man Trump's nominees were in any way moral.

He probably has an app that would alert his son if he was lying like that.

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Shaking up the status quo is only a good thing if you're improving it, not devolving into something worse.

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• Trump’s Second Act: The Circus Doubles Down on Clowns •

Grievance, Incompetence, and the Inevitable Collapse of a One-Man Movement


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Here you go Johnson, just take a bite of this apple and you will be like God and make ALL the rules and have dominion over everybody! Turn stones into bread, even!

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It’s funny that Glitch McConnell and Batboy are disagreeing about whether or not there will be recess appointments when neither of them will be in a position to decide that.

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For a moment I thought that RFJjr was actually Vivek.

Thinks vaccines are garbage but has no problem with over-tanning.

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Can't help but feel like all the "THE BORDER EMERGENCYYYYYYYY" folks who claim to be Democrats own this as well, both in office and out


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"I have said that there are some positives to vaccinations. I've also questioned vaccines multiple times."

We will now "bothsides" accepted medical science as we already "bothsides" fascism and authoritarianism. And if we throw in "processed foods" maybe it is really OK, and after all, Hitler was a vegetarian, that's something you progressives you like, amirite?

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I emailed some senators yesterday (didn't get through them all) about not approving these cabinet picks. I'm hoping against hope that appealing to their Article II prerogative to advise and consent would boost their egos and also sway them.

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I'm just glad I don't even like McDonalds. EW...


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Wonketteers are not representative of Americans in general [citation needed]. We are, however, probably representative of a certain subset of Americans (ie, the commie mutant traitor crowd). A lot of us, myself included, have seriously turned off The News ever since the election. And by The News, I mean the MSM, the corporate legacy media that slavishly horse-raced and both-sided and sane-washed all the way up to the election (and beyond). This is not to say that we are disengaged, quite the opposite in fact: I peek at The Guardian homepage daily, I read every single Wonkette article and most of the non-comments, I read several thoughtful newsletters and bloggy-type things. I want to know what's going on and what the fuck to do about it, but I absolutely do not want it through the filter of Big Corporate For Profit Media. And I don't think I'm going back.

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I refuse to play their game anymore. That includes all of the comedy shows that will be making hay of his nonsense from now on.

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I want to "reform" the military by swapping its annual budget with the budget of the Department of Education. The military can do bake sales to raise funds.

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The military budget will be diverted from Ukraine to occupying Blue States.

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Yup. As soon as a blue state puts up the slightest resistance to Trump's agenda, he will order drone strikes on the state capitals.

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Fortunately, with the level of incompetence of himself and his minions, he is likely to hit Russia by mistake.

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