Gossip Roundup: Hmmm, Horsewhipping Edition
•Heard on the Hill: Bushto give exclusive interview to Fox News on Wednesday morning whilePowelltalks toNew York Posteditorialists. [ Roll Call ]
•Under the Dome: Norquist: "We have an idiot, stupid, corrupt, dumb, rotten Republican governor in [Ohio]. . . He should be taken out and horsewhipped.". . . Male congressional staffers stage fashion show for Men Against Breast Cancer. . .Kucinichcampaign hawking items on eBay to erase debt. [ The Hill ]
•Reliable Source: Clooneybrings his dad to D.C. to raise campaign funds. . .Teresadescribes herself as a "strict, bossy, witchy mother". . .Andre Heinz: "Mom could be terrifying." [ WP ]
•Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Maureen Dowd: "I was on Fifth Ave. trying to hail a cab and suddenlyPresident Bush's motorcade came by, and I was almost trapped in Bushworld again. I didn't know whether to wave or hide." [ NYDN ]
•Rush & Molloy: Clooneysraid wallets ofDamon, Redstone, Bing, Simmons, Orbach. [ NYDN ]
•Page Six: Powellspotted buying hot dog from New York street vendor. [ NYP ]
•Cindy Adams: Cherie Blairpreps for three-day U.S. book tour, to net $50,000 per speech. [ NYP ]
•Inside the Beltway: Dick Morristo promote "FahrenHype 9/11" at National Press Club. [ WT ]