Gossip Roundup: Something Very Special
Heard on the Hill: Nancy Pelosi,Dennis Hastertaccidentally in same place at same time, almost have rumble...Rep. Tom Lantos to Ricky Martin: "Let me just say that while my wife of 56 years considers you devastatingly handsome, I think your true beauty lies inside.... Thank you very much, Ricky." This is funnier if you know what Lantos looks and sounds like. [Roll Call ]
Yeas and Nays: Tonight is the last episode ofThe Hill, cast members basking in minor premium cable fame. [ Examiner ]
Reliable Source: Prince Andrew: "There is something very special about whiskey"... Maryland Senate campaign getting weirder asMichael Steelefilms ads with a puppy (not his),Ben Cardinforced to counter that he, too, loves puppies. [ WP ]
Under the Dome: Apparently, the American League of Lobbyists declared this "Ethics Awareness Month." [The Hill ]