What do you expect him to do? Fix the electric grid?

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In this case he is also inflicting pain on white people, rich people, straight people, male people: he is an equal-opportunity pain-in-the-ass

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Cross-border trucks are generally the "top of the line" vehicles, and Mexican truckers have much, much higher qualifications (including psychological exams, as well as physical fitness, mechanical knowledge, first aid, etc.) than any US driver needs for a CDL license.

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Dan Patrick?

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I assume they would. Gas is significantly cheaper on the Mexican side of the border. In the northern border region, gas stations have had to flag US autos out of lines at PEMEX stations.

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Fine with me.. every time the US (or a state like Texas) gets in a tizzy and halts exports, the price of perishables in my local mercado drops... screw the gringos, cheap avocados are back!

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I don't think he ran this one past Karl Rove.

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It's an acquired taste. I like it, but it took me several years of a wholly misspent youth in the South.

Same for boiled okra, hominy, and boiled peanuts. One of my Northern California co-workers spent a week in Beaufort, SC, having never been out of the Golden State. When he came back he went right to my cube and asked what the hell grits were all about.

"Well, I guess you have to have grown up in the South, but grits with a lot of butter, cheese, or as they do it in the Low Country where you were, shrimp are mighty tasty. If you're young and eat them for breakfast you usually get a lump of brown sugar on them. They're kind of a general purpose carbohydrate that keeps pretty much indefinitely, and helped keep the South alive during the Reconstruction."

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Maybe these American truckers should contact their federal congresscritters and get some relief for what this is doing to their businesses. I'm sure Ted Cruz would get right on it.

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Yes, kimchee is made by pickling - can be any number of vegetables.

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The right isn't friendly to businesses. But I guess we already knew that.

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He fixed it! He blamed the solar panels and windmills! Problem: solved!

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Nobody keeps you safer in Texas than Safety Man Abbot.Safe from Mexican Drugs, Mexican Sex Traffickers, Mexican Tourists, Mexican Trade, Mexican Moneys.Not to mention safe from uncooperative uteruses, power grids that don’t play nice with neighbor power grids, sporty trans women, and lastly, reality. So much safeliness in TXiness.

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Slashing the social safety net, what else?

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It was broke when I got here.

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Louie Gohmert writes angry letters to a lot of people and things.He's a real life Bob Boudelang, Angry Patriot.

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