College Students No Longer Hot Enough For Fox's Greg Gutfeld
They're probably very sad about this.
This week, Time magazine ran an article on the most popular class at Lawrence University, a small liberal arts college in Wisconsin with just 1,500 students — a one credit course in "Doing Nothing."
Of course, it's not actually a class in doing nothing so much as it is a life skills course that teaches students healthy ways to "relax and unplug." Religious studies professor Constance Kassor developed the course along with several of her colleagues after noticing that their students were so tuned into social media, so stressed out about being perfect and getting a good job after college, that it was starting to affect them negatively.
"This course was a collaborative idea that some colleagues and I have been talking about for the last few years. We’re seeing how stressed out, overburdened and overworked our students are." Kassor told Time . "And we’ve been trying to figure out ways to get them to develop the skills they need to intentionally relax. Studies have been done that show that things like meditation and getting enough sleep, or even just standing up from your desk, or allowing yourself to be bored—these are things that can improve our quality of life. They can improve our creativity. They can help us think more deeply. But these are skills. They’re things that need to be learned."
“I developed a 1-credit class called "Doing Nothing" this fall. It currently has the highest enrollment of any course at my university. This should tell us something about the current state of college students.”
— Dr. Connie Kassor (@Dr. Connie Kassor) 1664554627
“Folks seem to think I was being sarcastic. This is a real course, designed to give stressed students strategies to relax and disconnect. It's 1/6 of a "standard" course at my uni & it's team taught by 12 people. So students don't pay more, and instructors aren't paid more for it.”
— Dr. Connie Kassor (@Dr. Connie Kassor) 1664554627
It's actually an extremely good idea. The responses to Kasser's tweet, however, show a great divide in how people perceive "kids today" and their "work ethic." There are professors saying things like "I’ve taught at a university for 26 years. The students today are not the same. They are so much more stressed and hyper-focused on grades for even the smallest of assignments. The staff and profs have all noticed, it’s remarkable." Then there are the people who think they know better, saying things like "Lmao half the college level coursework in America is a 'doing nothing' classit is time to get it together, and go grind it out in the finance engineering math and science course"
You can probably guess where the gang at Fox's The Five fit in.
During a segment on the course yesterday, a co-host I think is Dana Perino (but really could be any other blonde Fox lady) whined about how colleges are teaching courses like this instead of classes about important things like personal finances and budgeting — which many colleges actually do offer . Then, it turned to Greg Gutfeld.
After first quipping that the real "do nothing" classes are gender studies classes, 58-year-old co-host Greg Gutfield began having a normal one about how the college babes just aren't doing it for him anymore.
College doesn't look like it's fun anymore. I mean, have you seen how miserable and how miserable-looking a lot of the students are? They're deliberately like ugly-fying themselves. You see them on TikTok. They're out of shape, they're asexual. They're rejecting the truth in beauty. They all look like rejects from a loony bin. I'd steer clear of college, too.
"They're rejecting truth in beauty." What is that? Really. What even is that? Because I have a feeling that it means "They're not horrible enough to fat people" — because that seems to be one of the top things that these dopes are whining about lately . That and how very desperately they do not want anyone to go to college ... for totally non-nefarious reasons and not because people who graduate from college are less likely to vote Republican and thus less likely to watch Fox News.
The thing is, this is is actually pretty damned inconsistent with the reality of social media as we know it. Kids have in fact developed serious self-esteem issues as a result of all of the other kids looking perfect (through the magic of photoshop and filters) on sites like TikTok and Instagram. That being said, if college students are deliberately finding ways to become less attractive to men like Greg Gutfeld, this could be an important evolutionary step in the right direction.
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" They're rejecting the truth in beauty. " And we are expected to believe he actually gets paid for such moronic tripe?
Um. For those of us who were serious students, and were paying for college ourselves, it wasn't "fun," you spoiled fucking brat. I went to school T/Th, worked full time MWFSS, and then worked evenings at another job. It took me 8 years to get my BA. Republicans think college is just for partying and raping because their legacy-safe asses got it all handed to them.