Guess GOP Rep. Virginia Foxx Heard Her Name When Dem Colleague Said 'White Folks Of Low Character'
What's that old expression about hit dogs will holler?
Here is MAGA congressional moment for the ages.
North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx is a piece of shit white Republican who’s been there forever, and she’s been a gargantuan asshole the whole time. She also has a history of getting very, very angry when people insinuate that Republicans might be li’l bit racist.
Well, yesterday, the House of Representatives was doing that thing where members talk, and Democratic Rep. Sean Casten was speaking against some dumbass Republican garbage bill called the Protecting Americans’ Investments from Woke Policies Act. (Stop laughing, Republicans are serious human beings who think thoughts with their brains, just like you do. Allegedly!)
Casten said, “No matter how nightmarish certain white folks of low character might find the realization of Martin Luther King's dream, it is the only way that we move forward as a society.”
And well, we guess MAGA dipshit Virginia Foxx thought she heard her name, because she immediately had a tantrum and demanded Casten’s words be taken down.
Weird. We don’t know what part offended her the most — the “white folks of low character” part, or the idea of MLK’s dreams being fulfilled? Unclear.
But we guess she realized that nobody had actually technically talked shit about MAGA Republicans, because a moment later she stammered that she was withdrawing her demand. Oh wait, did we say “a moment”? No, it took 18 minutes.
After Foxx realized her oopsie and the House was moving again, Casten clarified that when he said “white folks of low character,” he wasn’t referring to anyone specific.
Although Wonkette understands why pretty much every elected MAGA Republican in the United States of America might have a Hit Dogs Will Holler moment upon hearing words like that.
For another moment of Virginia Foxx being a clownish ass, here she is yelling “SHUT UP!” at a reporter who noted that Speaker Mike Johnson was one of the architects of Donald Trump’s plan to overthrow the government to overturn the election. This was back when they finally settled for Mike Johnson to be their nominee for speaker, after however many weeks of humiliating public failure.
Sean Casten may not have personally been talking about Virginia Foxx, but he should have been.
[videos via Acyn / Twitter user Sanho Tree]
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Virginia Foxx is the woman who brings 16 items into the 10-items-or-less express lane, glares at you when you make a noise about it, and then, halfway through her checkout, runs back into the store for something she forgot.
She is exactly the kind of shriveled-up old white Xtian lady who would have had a fit if she knew her grand kids were playing with my (((kids))).