Long ago my dad had a birthday card that said, "for the contentious drinker who only drinks on holidays." Inside was a little calendar with gag holidays for every day of the year, like All Saints Day, Some Saints Day, and Most Saints Day, Gramma Futty's Annual Fudge Pan Lick, etc.
I like the small print that flashes on the screen almost too quickly to even notice that says, "Fish should be dead for six hours prior to deboning." So, no, you won't be catching fish at the lake and then cleaning them immediately. Unless you catch your fish first thing in the morning but then spend six more hours fishing without catching anything.
You know desperation is setting in when the Republicans start bringing out their heavy artillery. Screams of Communist, Socialist and Marxist don't seem to be having the same impact. Pity for them, it's all they have.
It's not just the "WonderBoner", though that's plenty by itself. It's the "Spineless WonderBoner", which makes it sound like the kind of thing the GOP & Evangelicals would promote and use. Thank you for bringing the "Spineless WonderBoner" into my life, and just when I was looking for a new nickname for Comer Fudd!
The differences between Harris and Trump in qualifications, experience, and temperament are so stark that. it's hard to imagine the election as being anything but an absolute blow-out for Harris. She is a not a Marxist, radical leftist, or any such thing. She is a solidly grounded centrist, who by all rights, should appeal to the vast majority of Americans. Tim Walz is a common sense, let's get to work, mid-western dude. Their slow but steady rise in the polls gives me some hope that more people are beginning to realize that, and jumping off the Trump Train to Crazytown
That's like the election for governor in North Carolina. Other than the porn stuff, his bigotry, misogyny, general hate, and even threats, like saying some people deserve killing was well known when he ran for lieutenant governor in 2020. And won. Earlier polls showed some Republicans were okay with him being in an office with no authority but still being able to spout his bullshit. But they felt maybe the chief governmental officer in the state needed to be a little less outspoken fringe when meeting with foreign leaders on trade trips or on television speaking for the entire state. So he was losing well over the margin of error before this recent revelation. But he will still probably get 40% or more of the vote in a state basically divided 50/50 between parties. Meaning 80% of Republican voters, most regular church going alleged Christians will still vote for him. An even split you would not know by looking at our legislature or earlier and probably future US House representation due to extreme gerrymandering. Which shows how deep the GOP has sunk into the political sewer.
I think a lot of people just vote along partisan lines and damn the consequences. Low information voters. I call them out when I hear their b.s., which is that they don't really pay that much attention to the details.
Then there's that whole "redemption" theme. So they're caught up in that b.s. No reasoning with those.
I think these people are really on to a great humanitarian thing and Robyn owes them an apology. If they hadn’t named and copyrighted the holiday some Vile Cretinous Swine might try and celebrate Fish Tank Floorshow day in March or something. The outrage of that is now protected by common usage, copyright and the full force of The Law!
VP Harris delivered in Douglas AZ yesterday. among other things she correctly pointed out that as Atty General of a border State she has a very deep understanding of the problems and referenced things she had done both as CA atty general and as VP in the Biden administration to humanely address the border issue. Fact checkers gave her remarks an A++ as usual
The plot thickens. Mark Robinson was hospitalized with second-degree burns from an incident that happened at a campaign event at an auto show. The police have ruled out foul play but no other details about the incident are forthcoming.
Looks like someone's a little upset about the negative publicity from his tranny sex endorsement but is too chickenshit to let anyone take a potshot at him.
“Fish should be dead 6 hours before using Wonder Boner.” Is this to avoid zombie trout attacks when boning your fish, or because the wonder boner does better when you slip it into a decaying flesh sleeve?
Thanks to you as well, now I have a new nickname for Gym Jordan too! "Decaying Flesh Sleeve"...as in: 'Oh look, "Spineless WonderBoner" Comer and his sidekick, "Decaying Flesh Sleeve" Jordan are opening a new "investigation"...'
While I'm ranting, enough already of the nonsensical myth that leftist or liberal men are all sissises. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They're manly types who tend to want to protect and defend the weaker members of society rather than just stomping them into submission They always put the needs of others ahead of their own comfort or safety, Rightys or conservatives, on the other hand, are for the most part greedy little fuks, who look out only for themselves, are afraid of their own shadows, who can't fight their way out of a wet paper sack,
Call Tim Walz, a proud redleg, a sissy and prepared to get your ass kicked. OTOH, JD Vance would slink back into his cubicle at the Marine Public Information Office.
So would Trump. He has always surrounded himself with body guards and attorneys to do the actual enforcement of his threats and bullying. Put him in a locked room with Walz and my money would be on Walz. Probably the same putting him in with Harris.
While we're at it, let's also expose their hero strongman Vlad. Yes, he worked for the KGB, but not as a field agent, no James Bond arch-rival. He worked in the Dresden office writing propaganda pieces. Desk jockey, pencil pusher type.
Speaking of Italian cartoons, when Italians license anime, they often sub in whole new songs for the openings, rather than just singing an Italian translation of the Japanese songs like the English versions sometimes do. And boy howdy are they some really beautiful songs!
This one from Hunter x Hunter just blew me away, with lyrics that seemed too poetic for a presumed kids' cartoon (though HxH gets pretty rough, so in the US it wouldn't be Saturday morning fare anyway. Still...). Anyway, enjoy the music. Rough translation follows.
Long ago my dad had a birthday card that said, "for the contentious drinker who only drinks on holidays." Inside was a little calendar with gag holidays for every day of the year, like All Saints Day, Some Saints Day, and Most Saints Day, Gramma Futty's Annual Fudge Pan Lick, etc.
I like the small print that flashes on the screen almost too quickly to even notice that says, "Fish should be dead for six hours prior to deboning." So, no, you won't be catching fish at the lake and then cleaning them immediately. Unless you catch your fish first thing in the morning but then spend six more hours fishing without catching anything.
You know desperation is setting in when the Republicans start bringing out their heavy artillery. Screams of Communist, Socialist and Marxist don't seem to be having the same impact. Pity for them, it's all they have.
I would REALLY love an opportunity to sit down with one of them and have them define the three terms. Should be highly entertaining.
It's not just the "WonderBoner", though that's plenty by itself. It's the "Spineless WonderBoner", which makes it sound like the kind of thing the GOP & Evangelicals would promote and use. Thank you for bringing the "Spineless WonderBoner" into my life, and just when I was looking for a new nickname for Comer Fudd!
*ponders if they're are as cheap to bulk-mail as dildos*
The differences between Harris and Trump in qualifications, experience, and temperament are so stark that. it's hard to imagine the election as being anything but an absolute blow-out for Harris. She is a not a Marxist, radical leftist, or any such thing. She is a solidly grounded centrist, who by all rights, should appeal to the vast majority of Americans. Tim Walz is a common sense, let's get to work, mid-western dude. Their slow but steady rise in the polls gives me some hope that more people are beginning to realize that, and jumping off the Trump Train to Crazytown
That's like the election for governor in North Carolina. Other than the porn stuff, his bigotry, misogyny, general hate, and even threats, like saying some people deserve killing was well known when he ran for lieutenant governor in 2020. And won. Earlier polls showed some Republicans were okay with him being in an office with no authority but still being able to spout his bullshit. But they felt maybe the chief governmental officer in the state needed to be a little less outspoken fringe when meeting with foreign leaders on trade trips or on television speaking for the entire state. So he was losing well over the margin of error before this recent revelation. But he will still probably get 40% or more of the vote in a state basically divided 50/50 between parties. Meaning 80% of Republican voters, most regular church going alleged Christians will still vote for him. An even split you would not know by looking at our legislature or earlier and probably future US House representation due to extreme gerrymandering. Which shows how deep the GOP has sunk into the political sewer.
I think a lot of people just vote along partisan lines and damn the consequences. Low information voters. I call them out when I hear their b.s., which is that they don't really pay that much attention to the details.
Then there's that whole "redemption" theme. So they're caught up in that b.s. No reasoning with those.
Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbors' Porch Day is a real thing in Southwest Washington state but it falls a couple weeks later in mid-September
I think these people are really on to a great humanitarian thing and Robyn owes them an apology. If they hadn’t named and copyrighted the holiday some Vile Cretinous Swine might try and celebrate Fish Tank Floorshow day in March or something. The outrage of that is now protected by common usage, copyright and the full force of The Law!
VP Harris delivered in Douglas AZ yesterday. among other things she correctly pointed out that as Atty General of a border State she has a very deep understanding of the problems and referenced things she had done both as CA atty general and as VP in the Biden administration to humanely address the border issue. Fact checkers gave her remarks an A++ as usual
The plot thickens. Mark Robinson was hospitalized with second-degree burns from an incident that happened at a campaign event at an auto show. The police have ruled out foul play but no other details about the incident are forthcoming.
Looks like someone's a little upset about the negative publicity from his tranny sex endorsement but is too chickenshit to let anyone take a potshot at him.
Wait...Stop!! Don't touch that exhaust manifold... too late.
Held his hand "to the fire"?
Look... squirrel 🐿️!
“Fish should be dead 6 hours before using Wonder Boner.” Is this to avoid zombie trout attacks when boning your fish, or because the wonder boner does better when you slip it into a decaying flesh sleeve?
Thanks to you as well, now I have a new nickname for Gym Jordan too! "Decaying Flesh Sleeve"...as in: 'Oh look, "Spineless WonderBoner" Comer and his sidekick, "Decaying Flesh Sleeve" Jordan are opening a new "investigation"...'
Trout Zombie definition. https://middleman.fandom.com/wiki/Trout_zombie
causing me to wonder....
Cats call this "National Improvisational Snack Day".
That's not every day?
While I'm ranting, enough already of the nonsensical myth that leftist or liberal men are all sissises. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They're manly types who tend to want to protect and defend the weaker members of society rather than just stomping them into submission They always put the needs of others ahead of their own comfort or safety, Rightys or conservatives, on the other hand, are for the most part greedy little fuks, who look out only for themselves, are afraid of their own shadows, who can't fight their way out of a wet paper sack,
Call Tim Walz, a proud redleg, a sissy and prepared to get your ass kicked. OTOH, JD Vance would slink back into his cubicle at the Marine Public Information Office.
So would Trump. He has always surrounded himself with body guards and attorneys to do the actual enforcement of his threats and bullying. Put him in a locked room with Walz and my money would be on Walz. Probably the same putting him in with Harris.
While we're at it, let's also expose their hero strongman Vlad. Yes, he worked for the KGB, but not as a field agent, no James Bond arch-rival. He worked in the Dresden office writing propaganda pieces. Desk jockey, pencil pusher type.
Huh. Coincidentally, spineless wunder boner is also Matt Gaetz' nickname.
Well the power stayed on, which is a first for us. Maybe cause no trees fell, also a first. Holding my breathe till Monday though
First frost.
We had that a couple of weeks ago. Snow in the mountains, frost here. Two days ago we hit 102, 97 yesterday. Maybe 95 today. Kinda cray.
Totally phony climate change keeps rearing its ugly head.
Just trying to make Trump look bad! Soo unfair!
Deep State Weather Machines!
I thought Cobra had the weather control machines.
Speaking of Italian cartoons, when Italians license anime, they often sub in whole new songs for the openings, rather than just singing an Italian translation of the Japanese songs like the English versions sometimes do. And boy howdy are they some really beautiful songs!
This one from Hunter x Hunter just blew me away, with lyrics that seemed too poetic for a presumed kids' cartoon (though HxH gets pretty rough, so in the US it wouldn't be Saturday morning fare anyway. Still...). Anyway, enjoy the music. Rough translation follows.
Deep oceans, enchanted forests
Endless deserts that hide the myths
A thousand colors, dreamed creatures
Discover, explore, you can never stop
You will have to walk
Fall into the void
Pass through cascades of fire
Counting only the desire and courage
To put yourself on the line and find out that
This is your nature
The unknown and adventure
And when the sun rises
Your heart is pounding
Following your destiny
Hunter, hunter, you are a true hunter
In the dark of night
The universe awakens a dream to chase
Hunter, hunter, you are a great hunter.
You will have to overcome any fear
But it is in friendship
Your reliable force
Among demons and monsters, aggressive enemies
Will get you in the game
To find out that
This is your nature
The unknown and adventure...etc.
Fishtank Ensemble!
Looks like a bunch of Burners got lost in town again....