Neil deGrasse Tyson is our favorite science dude -- on the teevee, at least, because Oliver Sacks mostly sticks to books -- and here is a video of 23 minutes of Tyson Being Tyson, explaining the problem with UFOs: once you've got that "Unidentified" part taken care of, that's where you should just stop. It doesn't follow that it's a spaceship from another planet (or dimension or timeline...). The fun, of course, is in the explanation: Forget Roswell, says Tyson, because
If an alien came across the galaxy and couldn’t land the damn spaceship, then I don’t want to meet the damn aliens. They’re stupid aliens. Don’t tell me you came across the galaxy and can’t land on earth. Go home!
Once they land in Times Square (or maybe show us what REALLY happened in Benghazi), then we'll talk.
Another nice line: we shouldn't talk about "optical illusions." We should call them "brain failures," because when it comes right down to it, humans are "poor data-taking devices." In other snippets from various appearances, he takes on faith-based arguments against the Big Bang and evolution -- it shouldn't be surprising, with all the carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen in the universe, that life is made out of the stuff. You want to feel special? "If life on Earth were made of an isotope of bismuth. That stuff is nowhere in the cosmos, and if we were made of it, we're special."
The vid is the first in what looks like it will be a series of Tyson videos (hey, if they're calling it "Part 1," that's LEGALLY BINDING) from the Agnostic Atheist Anti-Theist (Agatan) Foundation, which already hosts a lot of skeptical videos featuring troublemakers like Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and the late Christopher Hitchens. Watch. Enjoy. But don't go talking about your MENSA membership, or we'll chuck you right out. We clear on that?
[ RawStory ]
The other problem with UFO's is of course, that they would have to travel at close to the speed of light in order to reach Earth, from another planet that we have not thoroughly examined with telescopes. At least they would if they wanted to reach here in a reasonable amount of time, and assuming they cannot violate the known laws of physics. (Due to entropy ever increasing, it is reasonable to assume any other physical life form in the universe would have a limited life span.) Time dilation caused by approaching the speed of light, is about the only way life forms could travel between stars at subluminal velocity.
Keep that periodic table away! It's dangerous!! The bench is worse...