Well HI Arizona, what are you doing to be the greatest state in the union today? In one corner, we have Louisiana, which allows your child to learn about the Loch Ness monster in science class (except if your child is Islamic , and thus doesn't deserve to learn about the Loch Ness monster), and in another corner, we have Mississippi, which jails children in order to keep them safe from themselves. But in THIS corner, we have Arizona, whose governor signed an executive order on Wednesday protecting DMV employees from teen Messicans. Winner winner chicken dinner?
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed an executive order on Wednesday directing state agencies to deny drivers licenses and other public benefits to anyone benefiting from President Barack Obama's 'deferred action' immigration policy.
In an executive order, Brewer said she was reaffirming the intent of current Arizona law denying taxpayer-funded public benefits and state identification to undocumented immigrants.
"They are here illegally and unlawfully in the state of Arizona and it's already been determined that you're not allowed to have a driver's license if you are here illegally," Brewer said in a press conference. "The Obama amnesty plan doesn't make them legally here."
Young undocumented immigrants around the nation on Wednesday began the process of applying for federal work permits under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
The Arizona Governor said they will issue employment authorization cards to those people who apply, but "they will not be entitled to a driver's license nor will they be entitled to any public benefits."
Arizona Democratic Party executive director Luis Heredia said Brewer's order "fails to move Arizona forward on immigration reform. This amounts to a gubernatorial temper tantrum."
First of all, Jan, (can we call you Jan?) they’re no longer “here illegally” if they qualify for this program, the point of which is to give younger, undocumented immigrants a path towards legal residency if they fulfill some pretty stringent requirements. Also, no disrespect to Luis Heredia, but if he thinks THIS is a “gubernatorial temper tantrum” he should check out the time she told President Obama that he was not the king of America while shaking her finger at him, right in his face. Now THAT was a tantrum.
That's one saddle that should not be sat upon.
you make me smile a lot.