"there are knives out for the speaker already.”


Maybe he'll quit to "spend more time with his family", if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

*waggles syebrows roguishly*

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Perhaps it's time for the Democratic Caucus to flex its muscles. They torpedoed McCarthy because he reneged on his agreement with Biden. They aren't going to get any better than Johnson. With a united caucus, it would only take a few Republicans in swing districts who know their constituents don't like shutdowns and never blame the Democrats for them to stop an ouster and pass the spending bill.

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Is anyone else thinking that by now, Nancy Pelosi has stress-eaten her way through both freezers full of chocolate ice cream?

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It all went to her boobs anyway, we should all be so lucky.

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Johnson has one thing in his favor in that there is literally no one in the republican caucus who wouldn’t be even worse at the job than he is. So the only question is, do republicans want another month long circus where they try in vain to find someone who can herd this collection of rabid shitweasels they call a coalition?

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You say this as if you're talking about people who think and act rationally. you should know better by now - chaos is the point.

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I believe they do. Trump loves Chaos, maybe that will translate to him loving the house? No, he loves no one.

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"plummeting faster than the fuselage from a Boeing Max", should be plummeting faster than the door plug from a Boeing Max. Facts matter.

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Until the physics teacher's pine tree slowed it down by exerting a certain force for a certain time, thus changing the momentum by a calculable amount.

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If that door came off at altitude, that jet plummeted to 10,000 feet, where you can breathe without supplementary oxygen.

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Yes they said the Pilots took it down to 10K in the news. not plummet as much as dive.

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The door plug popped off at about 14,000 feet, while the plane was climbing under autopilot control. It took the pilot almost a minute to get his mask on, understand what happened, and take control, At that point, the plane had climbed to about 16,000 feet. The pilot then brought the plane, smoothly, to about 10,000 feet, where a mask was not really needed, and got instructions to return to the airport. No plummeting.

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To be fair, not even Nancy Pelosi could herd these childish goblins into line to agree on anything.

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Nancy Pelosi would have made sure these idiots never even got nominated, let alone elected

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The 'Pubbies have what? A 2 seat majority? All it would take to install Hakeem Jeffries in the Speaker's chair is a couple of GOP defectors. There are several GOPers who have announced their retirements. They have nothing to lose.

Let Chip Roy and his Merry Gang O' Malcontents pull the plug on Johnson. Jeffries won't be beholden to the Crazy Caucus and doesn't have to play buy their insane rules about a one vote no confidence deal.

Let the chaos ensue!

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"So, are Roy and his loons prepared to pull the trap door on Johnson?"

Let's hope so.

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It's just such a shame that so much is riding on these assholes actually fulfilling their job description. I really wonder about the people who keep returning them to office.

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The Do-Less-Than-Nothing Congress.

The ads write themselves.

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"Government is the enemy" types

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An election year seems like a good time for a shit show.

*sets up recurring popcorn order*

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hey, watching them fail loudly and in public while the Dems kick back and relax is no bad thing - pity they're supposed to be governing and getting things done for their constituents

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No more capable of doing the impossible. What these goons want is for anti-matter to matter. It doesn't make any difference who rotates in or out of that job.

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Charlie Kirk needs to rewatch Schoolhouse Rock.

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Some Republican wag ought to nominate Charlie in the upcoming Speaker elections so we can all watch him wet his pants when he wins.

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Upcoming? Are they getting rid of the pervert who took his daughter to Purity Prom and shares porn sites with his son already?

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Only a matter of time. He made the unforgiveable sin of acknowledging that half the members of the House aren't Republicans.

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They’ll never learn.

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Or "Amendment-to-be" from the Simpsons.

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The craziest House Republicans want Democrats to disappear. That's what it amounts to. Every time a Speaker acknowledges that Democrats exist and must be dealt with, they go bananas and scream about betrayal. No individual will ever be able to satisfy them as Speaker, because no one is a magician.

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Revolutions eat their own until the most savage, brutal, conscience-free dictator rises to the top. It is known.

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History don’t lie.

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It's impossible to feel anything butt contempt for this illegitimate, abusive, destructive, Republinazi Ku Klux Klowngress.

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