LIVE: Can We Keep This Hunter Biden's Penis Hearing About Hunter Biden's Penis?
Mind if I look at your laptop, sir?
The fucking clowns at the House Oversight Committee are doing their "work." Watch if you'd like to see "government in action."
For background on very dumb Republican hick Oversight chair Rep. James Comer and his investigation into Hunter Biden's very big wing-a-dang, click the links below.
If We Could Keep This Hunter Biden Investigation About Hunter Biden, That Would Be Great, Mmkay?
PSA: New GOP House Oversight Chair James Comer Is A F*cking Clown
Now watch this video of the hearing, already in progress. Spoiler, Republicans are screaming at former Twitter employees.
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And once that doesn't exist, I'm also giving things a go at the Mastodon ( and at Post!
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The rep. that’s speaking now (Jared Moscowitz) is shaming the republicans now, with the perfect balance of humor, shade, sarcasm, and seriousness.
“Nazis seem reeeeeeaaaaally comfortable with Donald Trump.”
Wait - they have the same dreams I do?