no shit Bacon - why is it you dum fuks always whine about traditions when it suits you and flaunt them at every opportunity? get some new schtick you intellectually barren disingenuous cretins (sorry, for the strong language, i am a bit cross and fed up)
In other news of national importance, the Philly's home-run derby through the playoffs continues, with three more tonight, as they lead the Brave's 3-1, going into the top of the seventh.
Sorry for The Hill as a source but they do have a live update section on the House disaster. I also went to earlier, and the House went into session at noon, did the Pledge of Allegiance and the prayer, and recessed at 12:30.
Republicans Leave Meeting With No Next Steps:
Members leaving GOP meeting described it as an airing of grievances that moved no holdouts to Scalise.
Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) called it a “kumbaya session.” Rep. Mark Alford (R-Mo.) called it a “marriage counseling session.”
And there are no plans for next steps — either to lock down support internally, or for votes on the floor.
“They don’t respect the customs of the House that have gone on for over two centuries.”
Their supporters vandalized the Capitol building and along with them tried to overturn an election. This asshat is surprised they don't respect the customs of the House?
"Well, at least you can trust that Jordan will always be a bastard and on the bad side of any issue" said a democrat to Mace, while laughing to himself about her stupid tee shirt.
"OK, that's one vote for Jordan!" says Nancy to herself.
I was thinking, the Dem response was likely along the lines of, I trust Gym Jordan as far as I could throw him; or maybe, I trust Jordan will continue to suckle at the pale withered teat of his Lord and master. But your version works too.
"The legend from Louisiana"????? Who the fuck was he talking about? That reptile Scalise, or Jean Lafitte? An actual, literal pirate would be a better choice.
So the party of personal responsibility, the party of family values, is running a rape enthusiast and an avowed white supremacist? I am glad to see that they are living up to their most cherished principles.
no shit Bacon - why is it you dum fuks always whine about traditions when it suits you and flaunt them at every opportunity? get some new schtick you intellectually barren disingenuous cretins (sorry, for the strong language, i am a bit cross and fed up)
Well, Steve "Uptown Klan" Scalise's fever dream of becoming the Kevin McCarthy of Paul Ryans broke after 24 hours, he and recovered his senses (of shame and inadequacy) long enough to withdraw his name from consideration.
In other news of national importance, the Philly's home-run derby through the playoffs continues, with three more tonight, as they lead the Brave's 3-1, going into the top of the seventh.
Well they at least seem to want to keep up with the image of being incompetent, and why should we stop them?
Let's hope they keep this up forever.
"“I’m not switching my vote,” said Max Miller from Ohio. “I’m Jim Jordan all the way.”
They do grow their Republican elected officials stupid over there.
Sorry for The Hill as a source but they do have a live update section on the House disaster. I also went to earlier, and the House went into session at noon, did the Pledge of Allegiance and the prayer, and recessed at 12:30.
Republicans Leave Meeting With No Next Steps:
Members leaving GOP meeting described it as an airing of grievances that moved no holdouts to Scalise.
Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) called it a “kumbaya session.” Rep. Mark Alford (R-Mo.) called it a “marriage counseling session.”
And there are no plans for next steps — either to lock down support internally, or for votes on the floor.
Thank Li'l Bebe Jeebus we're keeping Scalise alive with our tax dollars! Funny how it isn't socialism when we're keeping rich fuckwad seditionists alive.
"[Healthcare] for me, but not for thee." Insert literally any word between the brackets, it's the Repub ethos.
I nominate The Equalizer.
ooooh yes, that would be glorious
“They don’t respect the customs of the House that have gone on for over two centuries.”
Their supporters vandalized the Capitol building and along with them tried to overturn an election. This asshat is surprised they don't respect the customs of the House?
"Well, at least you can trust that Jordan will always be a bastard and on the bad side of any issue" said a democrat to Mace, while laughing to himself about her stupid tee shirt.
"OK, that's one vote for Jordan!" says Nancy to herself.
I was thinking, the Dem response was likely along the lines of, I trust Gym Jordan as far as I could throw him; or maybe, I trust Jordan will continue to suckle at the pale withered teat of his Lord and master. But your version works too.
Will we see white smoke from the House chambers chimney anytime before I retire?
i dunno, how long have we got?
"The legend from Louisiana"????? Who the fuck was he talking about? That reptile Scalise, or Jean Lafitte? An actual, literal pirate would be a better choice.
Jean Lafitte! Drunk History teaches me actual history again!
Cancer has a bumper sticker on their car (It is a Fiat) that says MTG Sucks.
So the party of personal responsibility, the party of family values, is running a rape enthusiast and an avowed white supremacist? I am glad to see that they are living up to their most cherished principles.
They should have chosen the Homecoming King and Queen first.
"the legend from Louisiana"
Is that The Boggy Creek Monster or am I getting my states wrong?
Their two candidates are a Nazi and a Nazi propagandist. And they think it’s more nuanced than that.