Republicans are stupid.

My state agency was one of the few that wasn't part of AFSCME, who negotiated their contract three months before ours, so we knew what the pay raise would be, because it would have been against the law to negotiate a pay rate different from what other state employees with the same civil service classifications were making.

AFSCME got a 3% raise for each of the three years of their contract, 3-3-3, so we knew that's what we were going to get.

Management offered us 1-1-1. We countered with 6-6-6.

Which let us all meet in the middle.

Republicans are stupid.

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Ta, Dok. This is not right.

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Between October 1 and December 31, both houses of Congress are only in session 20 days. Between August 1 and December 31, only 34 days. There are a few days where either the Senate or House, but not both, are in session. But only being jointly working 34 days in 5 months sounds like a part time job.

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Not pig shit. METHANE!

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Thank you for providing the specific number of noncitizen voting, Dok. I will cheerfully smile and let the chucklefucks who sneer about all the ILLEGALS VOTING know that it's that amount. It won't move the needle but it'll give me some satisfaction

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I'm just saying: if you trapped Thomas Hobbes in a room for a week with all of Monty Python, a typewriter, and an infinite amount of alcohol they would still not come up with anything this funny and depressing.

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...𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥.

Dok's joke becomes the literal truth if you change "no one" to "no politician."

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They just love to pull the rug out from under federal employees right before Christmas.

Imagine if they're hurting from an ass-thumping of historical proportions.

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"And noncitizen voting is even rarer; in the Heritage Foundation’s records of illegal voting, there have been only 68 cases of noncitizens casting a ballot since the early 1980s. That’s out of billions of ballots in all the elections in those four decades."

Republicans are GREAT at slaying imaginary dragons. One of the few things they ARE good at.

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We should have a voting pool to see what stupid crap Comer and Gomer will pull outta their asses and have a "hearing" about. Hunter Biden's laptop is already worn out, OHJB is leaving office so why bother to "impeach" him for nothing AGAIN.

IF they come after Harris she can flip their feckless leader's word back on them: ELECTION INTERFERANCE!!

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Well at least Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday celebration on October 1 at the National Historic Site in Plains, Ga., won't have to be relocated due to "government shutdown."

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They want voter ID so bad? Well I would be fine with that under a few very specific conditions.

#1: fully funded and facilitated by the government. And I mean fully. No bullshit charges for locating your birth certificate or other information. The government HAS all that information. No reams of paperwork to fill out without any assistance, that has been designed in a manner to make it intimidating and difficult. Any of us unfortunate enough to rely on public assistance already know that little game. If the government wants voter ID, it can do the legwork.

#2: make voting day a goddamn holiday finally! If voting is the lifeblood of a representative democracy, then why is it acceptable to disenfranchise people simply because they have to work on voting day. Shut the fucking country down! One day will not cause our economy to crash and burn!

Those are the only conditions I would accept their demands for voter's ID but they would never do it because the purpose of those laws is 100% to disenfranchise as many Americans as possible. They know this. We know this. It's all bullshit.

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To Point #1: The government will be required to go to every eligible voter and handle everything at their place of residence so that, when that election employee leaves, every person eligible to vote in that household has a valid Election ID with photo.

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Also, make ID providers convenient for people who are handicapped and/or do not drive. That means NOT exclusively the DMV.

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Make the government come to us. They can afford it.

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Correct! I am disabled and I don't drive either so I understand completely what you mean!

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A constitutional amendment memorializing the (previously) long-accepted notions that:

• Citizens are always blameless when they comply in good faith with instructions provided by a government official, even when (especially when) those instructions are in error and

• The government must presume a citizen acting in good faith is eligible to exercise a right or privilege; the burden is on the state to prove a citizen is not qualified.

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I am advocating for a woman who has been in a county jail in Missouri for 2-1/2 years awaiting trial, so she hasn't been convicted of any felonies yet and is technically allowed to vote. However, she was born in Tennessee, and she doesn't have a copy of her birth certificate, and she can't get one because Tennessee requires her to submit a notarized form, and the jail won't allow anyone to mail the form to her or drop off a copy at the jail. Only her attorney can go into the jail with the form and get it signed and notarized, and her attorney is a very incompetent public defender who has been promising to do this for 6 months, but who just hasn't bothered. So she wouldn't be able to vote in November if this law had passed.

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Thanks for the work you do, and I hope everything works out for the best.

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My mother didn't have a birth certificate, because poor people in Pennsylvania coal mining towns in 1914 weren't required to get them, and her illiterate Italian parents didn't know they could get one.

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Can we be clear, Mike, a government shutdown would have been a Republican suicide pact. You don't give a shit about political malpractice.

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It's really fucking stupid that the government's job now is to fight republicans to stay government.

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There seriously should be something written into their job descriptions that say, when they shut down the government they don't get paid either. They'd rethink that strategy.

Also if they had only the ACA as THEIR healthcare plan, then the ACA would be a lot easier to use and have more going for it.

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At least political malpractice is something Johnson knows all about.

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