How Is PE Major Tommy Tuberville's Anti-Abortion Crusade Hurting The US Military Today?
Well! It seems a war has broken out.
One of the most horrifying aspects of the war that’s broken out between Israel and Palestine has to do with the children, on both sides of the conflict. Half the population of Gaza is children, and many children have been killed. Meanwhile there are reports of Hamas kidnapping Israeli children. It’s bad.
So of course US Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville is going to keep his anti-abortion crusade going against the US military, because he got in his small little coach brain that Jesus is just real mad about the Pentagon’s policy of paying for travel for troops who need abortions, which the Pentagon had to institute because the illegitimate partisan hack Supreme Court decided Americans weren’t mature enough to be trusted with their own bodily autonomy.
How are these things related? Easy. Lawmakers have specifically asked Tuberville to lift his hold and let Biden’s military nominations through, in light of the Hamas attacks on Israel, and Tuberville is like nah fuck off. He’s busy saving the babies. You know, while actual babies are killed and kidnapped.
Isn’t that always the way with “pro-life” conservatives?
After Hamas attacked Israel, Senate Democrats said it was past time for several top-level military nominees to be approved. But a Tuberville spokesperson confirmed Sunday that the senator’s position remains: Democrats must move top nominees individually until the Pentagon revokes its policy of covering travel costs for troops seeking an abortion across state lines.
That dumb redneck motherfucker.
Politico continues:
Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) told POLITICO Saturday that America needs a Senate-confirmed chief of naval operations amid the chaos in Israel. Tuberville spokesperson Steven Stafford responded Sunday: “Sen. Schatz should do what Coach did and file a cloture petition[.]”
Sorry, do what who did? We’re talking about United States senators. In the grown-up world we don’t refer to them by P.E. teacher titles, even if they aren’t deserving of anything more than that, and even if the senator in question did indeed major in P.E. at a safety school clown college in Buttstuff, Arkansas.
Politico reminds us that currently more than 300 military positions are unfilled by confirmed appointees, “including two picks for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and top officers slated to command U.S. forces in the Middle East.”
Here’s Jack Reed, another serious person:
“The severity of the crisis in Israel underscores the foolishness of Senator Tuberville’s blockade,” Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed said in a statement Sunday. “The United States needs seamless military leadership in place to handle dangerous situations like this and Senator Tuberville is denying it.
“This is no time for petty political theater, and I again urge Republican colleagues to help actively end Senator Tuberville’s damaging blockade,” the Rhode Island Democrat added. “The time for talking is over.”
This is the real world, Tubs, you mouthy hick moron.
Politico has more on all the nominees whose positions are being held up, who’s doing two jobs right now, and the sheer number of positions affected that work in the Middle East.
In a sane world, people named “Coach Tubs” shouldn’t have any say in a story like this, but every Republican that goes to Washington is stupider than the last, so this nitwit escaped coach is indeed allowed to hurt our military and national security.
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I’m going to need a member of the press to ask this doofus why he’s siding with the terrorists.
Republicans built that divisive rhetoric weapon. How’s about we cram it up their cramholes?
Maybe complex geopolitical conflicts don’t center around America’s reproductive rights?
It’s just a thought…