Good riddance! Hewitt has this preachy, condescending tone, and he always seemed to be living in the right-wing fever dream of a fictional 1950s America.
While I’m sure Huey’s performative flounce was entirely unspontaneous I doubt very much we’ve seen the last of his PAFB-ass-kissing ass. There’s no way he didn’t line up the next jornalism grift before practicing his grrr grrr big mad you guys! Huffy in the mirror several times. Fortunately I’ve barely encountered him on any platform and I intend to hold to that tradition.
Gosh, and since Schmuck L’Orange won this fucking election, it’s not corrupt!
I cancelled WAPO months ago. The lunacy that maga spewed was one of the reasons why.
Good Riddance!
An Open Letter to Your Friend or Relative Planning to Vote for Trump:
Your Vote for Trump Is an Endorsement of Bigotry, Cruelty, and the Erosion of Rights—No Matter the Reason You Give.
A Cask of Amontillado, a fine, fine story by a fine, fine writer, Edgar Allen Poe.
Pissy Pundit-Pest Punts Post Profession Per Persnickety Pedantry?
What a maroon
" OH my God I am so done with this production! I am going to my trailer. And there better not be any green M&Ms either!"
I'm just going to point out that the green m&m clause was there for a REASON
Hormonal Hugh?
Heaving "harrumphs" of hysteria.
he is definitely a def leppard who believes there's no chance his face gets eaten.
OMG I had to change my panties I laughed so hard at his huff.
"You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff."
President Rufus T. Firefly, "Duck Soup"
Hugh Hewitt has no integrity whatsoever.
no gravitas, either.
Did he ever?
Nothing right about him.
Nothing right about them.
you knew that, b.rad
Good riddance! Hewitt has this preachy, condescending tone, and he always seemed to be living in the right-wing fever dream of a fictional 1950s America.
While I’m sure Huey’s performative flounce was entirely unspontaneous I doubt very much we’ve seen the last of his PAFB-ass-kissing ass. There’s no way he didn’t line up the next jornalism grift before practicing his grrr grrr big mad you guys! Huffy in the mirror several times. Fortunately I’ve barely encountered him on any platform and I intend to hold to that tradition.
I'm sure Hewett can transition to a nice podcast on X, the social platform that used to be good(ish).
high hewitt to join harvard institute of politics.
Capehart was fantastic.
Hewitt: [has hissy fit, walks off]
Capehart: [2 second pause]
Capehart: So, Ruth . . .
That was shade on an epic level!
I am never, ever going to play poker with Jonathan Capehart.
I hope he didn’t let the doorknob hit him in the ass on the way out.