As long as Ubbo-Sathla's absorbtion doesn't happen until mine and twenty generations of my nonexistent children have left this earth, she'll be a better nominee than Dr. Oz.

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Ye must keep the spells for putting down at hand. Remember, never raise up what ye cannot put down.

Yrs in Yog-Sothoth.

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Rachel's Take on RFK Jr's Part in Spreading a Deadly, Preventable Disease


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Peter Doocy, obviously, never having been sane enough to go insane, nor conscious enough to be driven into screaming terror at the sight of the incomprehensible.

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Wow, that’s quite the gestalt you got going there, Gary.

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Hard to conceive that Shubbie would bring Tulsi the Gabb on board while eschewing Stephen Miller, who just seems entirely too perfect in every benighted and godless way.

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he’s an ambitious little wriggler, and has been fast tracked for absorption, to dwell and gain malice within the very bosom of Shubb Niggurath, as special envoy to the goat of the woods for mortal-scale suffering

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The drugs were good today huh?

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Oh great Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, but what of The dark god Slognafhraod? An entity of chaos, that seeks to destroy all of existence. Creator of the abyssal universe Shub-Aoz. The entity of no overall shape. That is constantly surrounded by swarms of disgusting crawling things, which are its children. It undulates constantly, and it moves ponderously.

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Department of Godly Excesses along with Musk and Ramaswamy.

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Loved the punchline!

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Ta, Gary. The theme of our radio show, A Jet Age Sound, on Saturday night was Laughing with Tears in Our Eyes. This is how I feel about your article.

Btw, I created my first Substack post. It's Saturday's playlist.

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…yeah okay I’ll check that out

I don’t have a substack but I do write album reviews every week on marxalot dot wordpress dot com

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"would you prefer I feed to you the Milk of Shub-Niggurath, which will cause you to mutate into an indescribable and unholy specter of squamous flesh covering a viscous and pulsing liquid in which will forever live the minds of your human victims for which you will have an insatiable appetite?"

Do I get to miss The Second Reign of Tramp? Let me think about it.

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All I'm sayin' about Shub-Niggurath is that bitch better Have My Money next Saturday.

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Wow... Did you play "Alone In The Dark" back in the mid 90s? It didn't run on my ancient computer, but I read about and Shub-Niggurath is the only thing I remember from that game.

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I got depressed reading this, since these are all better picks than what Trump is nominating. Except for Gabbard, of course.

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Ah, the good old days when darkness ruled the universe. aka 2016-2020. Also, you said squamous. heh

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Shub-Niggurath was smarter than trumpy, had common sense, and was way better looking. He would never choose the LeaderShip of Fools that trumpy is going for.

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