A good leader fosters an environment in which criticism can be voiced and divergent viewpoints are considered without defensive reactions. Times doesn’t sound like a good, productive work environment, go figure

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"I get all that incoming very powerfully in my inbox...we have very sharply told people what we are observing over time, and we have said it admirably and directly..." He's unwittingly given away the game here. No one talks like that but 1) Garbage Dumpster, 2) his apostles, and 3) people parodying GD. Hint: he's neither 1 nor 3.

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Okay, it's the old "I MEANT to do that" defense for the FNYFT. n We're not doing it wrong, you're just looking at us wrong. Lots of luck with that pathetic excuse when Dictator Dirty Diaper Donnie comes after you and your publisher, (((Sulzberger))). If you EVER cross him, it doesn't matter if you've worn out your tongue applying it to his grundle, he'll come after you with horse, foot and guns, he's just sensitive that way. "should I eat my pride, or wait until it's ripe"- Steely Dan, "Fire in the Hole"; https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-iba-synbg&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-synbg&hspart=iba&param2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aSFOTltNdSPoIx38%2BUf%2FiXrvPdoGmStdlfwLFZYDvqkAJrWWk4yNReCLnBD%2FqPs

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Jesus these people. Trump won't have to shut them down--they're doing just fine on their own.

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I remain in the strong hope that President Harris never once sits for an interview with the Times. I have extended that to the Post as well after Bezos' profile in courage, but that seems less likely because they're right there.

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If just 1% of readers comment that is still 100,000 comments. Getting 2,000 to 3,000 comments by people taking enough interest in what you do to tell you you suck should get your attention, not a put down as being insignificant whining. Because the few times I have read comments the great majority are telling you you suck along with Trump. Like any business you should pay as much attention, maybe more, to complaints than accolades or in most cases people who don't care enough to spend two minutes writing you, or have given up on you listening to their complaints. With the same result Bezos got with his no comment on the election. Especially with new regulations forcing companies to start making cancelling subscriptions easier.

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In a related story, I recently appointed myself as the “World’s greatest fuck machine”.

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"Am I wrong? No. The record proves it because I AM the record. Thanks for playing. Run along now."

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NYT - “We did a great job! The last thing we want to do is a fearless self-inventory.”

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For more honest reporting, I rely on The Guardian.

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Same. I actually read the UK version because it's great to have everything in perspective.

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It's also nice to see there are other countries in this world. Although the US is close to it, no country is an island. Except Australia, New Zealand, and a few small Pacific atolls. And they are affected by US policies and activities in other countries if they want to stay ahead of totalitarian control. Including having strong alliances like NATO. Not go it alone.

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They don't support dictatorships per se, but then mean old Kamala Harris was very mean. Journalism left them, you fucking peasants!

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Ta, Dok. No notes.

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How much loathing and contempt for their own readers do these self-aggrandizing Ayatollah Assholahs at the Nu Klux Times have to demonstrate to set off a reader rebellion that drives these fascist-fellating fuckfaces outta business???

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Their readers are into Wordle, recipes, and the Lifestyles section.

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Fuck the Times. They dropped the ball on this, clearly. The guy’s old and demented, and they have need treating his behavior as totally normal.

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Fuck the NYT.

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“Win or lose, tump has already won”. Fuvck you NYT.

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