Inside the Bubble: The Attack of the Giant Blog Words
•Animatronic anchors Elizabeth Vargas and Bob Woodruff (hybrid models with auto-shutdown and cruise control) will continue to host ABC's "World News Tonight," winning out over standard transimission hostbot Charlie Gibson, who still runs on diesel. [ ABC ]
•Hacktasatic Jon Friedman calls "The Week" journalism's "first blogazine." No, wait -- it's a magalog! A Zlog? What does that make "The Best Week Ever"? A blogedy? And the "Nightly News" -- that's a blogcastnewslog. CNN's Blog Report is a bloport. And Times Select still sucks. [ CBS Marketwatch ]
•Anchlogger Brian Williams is a "dog person." HOW CAN HE BE A BLOGGER THEN? [ WaPo ]
•FishbowlDC on the quitting/re-hiring of Postie Gabe Escobar: "Escobar is one of the Post's only Hispanic editors (the only other one we can think of is Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, Assistant Managing Editor/Sports." National Book Award FinalistAmerican Chicaauthor and editor of Washington Post Book World Maria Arana, on the other hand, is just a girl who likes to read. [ Fishbowl DC ]
•Howie Kurtz on why the MSM blogs (Mblogsmers): "Actually, we're just trying to look cool." [ ]
•David Corn hearts Viveca Novak, can't guard her husband. Perhaps her conversation with Rove's lawyer sparked a revelation: "maybe my client did not tell me everything." [ ]