Ta, Robyn. I chose to remain child-free, but I thoroughly approve this message.

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Rosa is my rep, and I have the utmost respect for her. This link highlights one of her excellent moments:


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Like Rep DeLauro, I would like to get a higher amount for the credit but I really don't like her argument.

Over the last year, median income has increased faster than inflation (and that's also true for the lower income workers). Also, income inequality decreased in 2022 for the first time in a long time. You would think a Democrat would be trumpeting these Biden accomplishments instead of saying the opposite is true.

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Yes I agree!!!

“I think everyone would agree that it really would be super great and nice if we could get the other Child Tax Credit back, please. The one we know worked and lifted four million kids out of poverty. “

And yes since it is not the original deal of $3600 and $3000 per child in monthly payments I am too with Delauro and Warren. No. It’s not good enough.

Please oh please Robyn do a housewives Substack. I want to read that.

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The GOP couldn't make all the 2017 tax cuts permanent so they made only the corporate tax cuts permanent. This was because they knew there would be no public demand to keep those as they started expiring, especially since the public may have finally realized a few years later that the Bush and Trump corporate tax cuts, sold with the assurance most of it would go to better worker pay and expanding businesses and creating jobs, was a lie. Most of it went to stock buy backs that artificially inflated stock prices and made people with big stock portfolios wealthier.

So they made the meager tax cuts for most people start expiring after a few years, confidant that no politician wanted to be accused of raising taxes on the middle class. Especially since the GOP would blame Democrats. So those cuts would be extended, further blowing a huge hole in the already fake $1.7 trillion debt limit the CBO claimed and Congress had to stay below to avoid a Senate filibuster, revised upward even before the bill was signed.

This was obvious to me long before it became a law but I never saw any news personality mention it. And very few comparing it with the Bush tax cuts. Which used the exact same justification, it would save the average taxpayer a fortune and increase salaries and wages since benevolent corporations would happily share the windfall. But it had the exact same results. Almost all the benefits went to corporations and wealthy people. This wasn't ancient history. The Bush tax cuts were just 15 years earlier.

Corporate news is no different than corporate banking, corporate automobile manufacturing, or corporate pharmaceuticals. Don't expect honesty or for them to look out for your best interest. It was not in the interest of the parent companies of CBS, NBC, or ABC to let the public know how badly they were being screwed in 2017 and the scheme to screw them again in about 7 more years. News was not a major profit maker anyway since they were so diversified. So they didn't let the public know and their other divisions profited greatly. Few people bothered to even think about it. Republicans offered most people a shiny new quarter and that made them happy while distracting the public from noticing the corporations and wealthy taxpayers hauling stacks of hundred dollar bills in briefcases out the back door.

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These assholes are BEGGING for tumbrel rides. They've totally lost the plot. The French Revolution was as much about serious economic distress (Jefferson observed this and pushed for estate taxes and banking regulations) as it was about the abuses of the ancien régime.

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I predict it will never come to pass. We'll see.

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This is a compromise? The Democrats get to re-establish the Child Tax Credit, at a lower amount for poorer families, while Republicans get to retain many of the business and rich people tax cuts, which they had originally "sunsetted" after ten years in order to deceptively pass the original tax cuts in 2017 ( much like the Bush tax cuts way back in 2001 )

I guess we'll have to take it - IF it gets past the asshole Freedom Caucus in the House. That's hardly a done deal.

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Don't forget to include keeping the elimination of the SALT deduction because republicons want to screw Californians and Democrats know like Mayo in An Officer and Gentleman, "we got nowhere else to go", so there is no incentive .

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I wasn't aware that this was in the proposed deal. During my 20+ years in Maryland, I used deductions for state and local property taxes to lower my tax bill, but I was nowhere near the limit.

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It's not. I am being cynical since the Democrats said they would not re-instate the SALT deduction. Politically, they have no reason to since it's not as if Californians are going to start voting republicon over it. It just gives me reason to agree with Texas that it is time for the viable states to consider leaving the nest.

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They are indeed such a gobsmackingly asshollish bunch, the Treason Caucus. Just so clearly the "burn it all down" agenda. They have no f's to give about our lives, at all. Should all be behind bars! Not kidding!

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I've always thought that you should pay higher taxes for extra children. They use up more of everything that taxes pay for. We should at least get tax breaks for NOT having children. After the second child, the money should go to free abortions.

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You may be right, in a perfect government.

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Tax cuts for Taiwanese workers and companies? Um, why? Again, I think we may have to get what we can now and keep pushing for more in the future. On the other hand, with several states unfucking their house maps, we could actually see a blue wave in 2024. So perhaps the corporations are offering us crumbs now in exchange for giving up making them pay more later.

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OMFG, the full child tax credit would be such a big fucking deal for me and my kids. Come on Democrats, please!

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Did you overbreed?

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You should ask your mother that.

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So Congress can pass this but they can’t pass immigration and border reform unless Orange Jesus is back in the White House.

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Do Republicans even have a quiet voice anymore?

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They can't do that because they need it as a wedge issue, and also to keep a win out of the other team's (Biden's) column. If only more people could see the height of hypocrisy that is crippling Biden's ability to resolve the issue and then blaming him for not resolving the issue is....

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so, how many speakers will the house gop coo coo caucus go through before election?

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Doesn't Joe Manchin prefer children that are kept in poverty?

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Speaking of traps, lol.

Nikki Haley Challenges Donald Trump to New Hampshire Debate, Won’t Debate Again Without Him

Oh Nikki, I dislike Trump very very much but I would never try to debate him outside of an officially moderated debate contest because he follows zero rules of conduct. But please proceed. He can embarrass you and disgust more suburban women at the same time.

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I would only debate him if the moderators could turn off his mike when it’s not his turn to talk.

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I hope she follows through and refuses to debate because I want campaign "debates" to die and if both Trump and Haley refuse to debate then either the debate will be cancel-cultured or it will have lower ratings and hopefully they'll cancel-culture future debates.

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Um...honey, you do know you came in behind DeSantis in Iowa, right? By less than two points, but still, that doesn't leave you in a position to set conditions. If a one-on-one with DeSantis was appropriate before, it's appropriate now.

And by "appropriate," I mean "utterly irrelevant."

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She should debate a therapist

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She should say what she really means. Maybe a glass or two of wine before would help.

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May I recommend the '24 Pentathol?

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I would only debate him on zoom, where the moderator can mute him and I could watch him arguing with himself

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An added bonus would be that she couldn’t smell him.

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He'd resort to flashing cue cards.

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Bob Dylan libelz

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But could he read them?

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Jan 16, 2024
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Mud wrestling perhaps, or even better, a return to jousting. We'll even let Trump use a golf cart instead of a steed if he wishes.

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However would you get him on a steed on the first place. Crane?

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Pistols at dawn

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Now we lift the hood and see how many venomous snakes the GQP have tucked into the bill.

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An annual payment is kind of stupid since it is hard to budget and especially hard to budget when you are poor, IME.

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This will make a week in the Australian Outback look like a walk in Central Park in comparison.

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Like taking a stroll through a spaceship infested with xenomorphs.

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Tribble Libel!

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