Is It Possible They Meant To Name Him "Trig" But Wrote The "g" Backwards?
The Israeli army -- like Perez Hilton's dog and Obama before it -- has started a YouTube channel. [ Contentions ]
People magazine will bail out Levi and Bristol by paying $300,000 for pictures of Tripp, the Trig of the future. [ The Scoop ]
Bloomberg and Co. will stop trying to do any favors for Caroline Kennedy because she cannot manage to do a simple thing like secure the Senate seat. [ Ben Smith ]
Oh good: the military is continuing the important work they began with the movie Transformers by holing themselves up with Shia LaBeouf in the desert to help out with Transformers 2: Inexplicably Back to the Cover of Vanity Fair . [ TPMMuckraker ]
MoveOn and Politico have entered into a thrilling no-stakes civil war, in which they are competing to decide who is the very saddest about Rick Warren. Spoiler alert: they both lose; it's Christopher Hitchens. [ AMERICAblog ]