I realize this post is a bit old, but being probably the one person to transition as an adolescent and take blockers I don't mind having the last word.

The process from 14 to 18 for me was so invasive and so slow I dropped every doctor and therapist for informed consent the moment I turned 18.

None of this is rushed and an abundance of caution is engrained into the process. Pedo boy here should fuck off because he knows shit.

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Pinned, because no matter who comes in later, I think it's good for someone who transitioned as a teen to have the last word on this one.

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The New York Gas Light- All the news that's shit. Fuck them with a cruise ship propeller.

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Ta, Crip Dyke. Every now and then if I'm at the library, I'll read Tuesday's Science Times. That's it. NYT is over.

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Does the Alliance Defending Fascism, I mean, “Freedom,” know they’re working with a gay men (sic)?

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Oh, Crip, you sweet summer child. You actually expect the New York Food and Recipe Times to publish a neutral and fact-based article about Trans issues? They have never seen a Trans-bashing piece they didn't love. It's one of the reasons so many of us attribute their late horribleness to a deliberate political agenda rather than cluelessness or greed for eyeballs.

Expect nothing but enmity from them. Usually of the dishonest and plausibly deniable variety.

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"surgical intervention as children for “my boobs make me uncomfortable”-itis"

Oh hell, I had that. Tho I think I was probably no longer quite a minor at the time, but only just over the magical 18 line. And fun fact, the surgeon who helped reshape my body (at least until baby-having undid the good work) was also the local trans surgeon at the time. Boy, sure do wish I could get that condition treated again.

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I’ve known some women who have had that done. It gave them some serious relief from chronic back pain.

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That was part of the rationale at the time - tho less pain and more, this isn’t helping my scoliosis.

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I was friends with a girl in high school who had that surgery. She was under 18 at the time and no one said anything about it. It was obviously understandable that she'd want relief from back pain. I only wish trans teenagers were treated with the same understanding.

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I vomited when I saw the headline. It's pure, unadulterated clickbait. One of the many sickening things about it is that no LGBTQ+ hating people are going to read it. They don't read the NYCrimes. But right-wing media will pick it up and use it as proooooooof of Joe's wickedness. They diss the newspaper every chance they get, but when they agree with it, they wave it around as validation for their bigotry. We hate them but we also use them as an unimpeachable source when it suits us. That's really all that story will be used for. Congratulations, newspaper of record.

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Looks like "all the news that's fit to print" has left the building.

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TFNYT: "Hey, just because we slant the news to some bullshit agenda against trans folk because we're grrr mad at that Biden guy doesn't make it UNfit to print!"

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"Gender-related surgeries for minors have been a focal point for some politicians." BECAUSE OF ARTICLES LIKE THIS, you effing NYT clowns.

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Blood pressure, blood pressure, blood pressure, blood pressure.

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Whatever happened to keeping your fucking beak out of other people's private business? WRITE THAT ARTICLE NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES

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"Intellectual Dark Web"

because of course. I was waiting for it.

now I'll vomit.

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It's almost like LGBTQ organization have rightly been blocking pedophiles for decades.

Also this is your monthly reminder that Alan Ginsberg was a pedophile who advocated for pedophiles

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Wrong Alan, that one is Dershowitz. Allen Ginsberg was heavily involved with NAMBLA.

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… while having a relationship with underage students. Dude was an ethics nightmare

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You know, I actually agree that there should be some sort of safe, stigma-free therapeutic intervention for people with child sexual attraction who have not offended and do not wish to offend.

That being said,

A) That does not in any way mean that those people should be brought under the umbrella of LGBTQ2S+ identities, which are predicated on legal acts involving *consenting* adults.

B) That also has fuck all to do with providing care to trans kids.

In summary, fuck this guy and his bad faith arguments.

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Agreed. While there us not space for them in the LGBTQIA+ community, I would think safe, non-judgmental individual and group therapeutic space would be helpful. Both to people with child sexual attraction, which seems to be innate and immutable, who would feel less isolated, and to society, as I'd think less isolation means less likelihood of offending.

It should go without saying that if they offend and I know about it I would do banhammerable things to them, but nothing goes without saying on the internet.

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"should not be part of" and "remove" are the same?

I would say something but I'm afraid of the New York Times civility police.

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It's time for someone to do some full-scale investigative reporting on WTF has happened to the NYT. It used to be the "paper of record". What happened to it?

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A lot, but in the age of Trump and declining physical media, they are "broadening" their appeal to the right... that will never trust them anyways

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They've always showed their true colors, especially on the big stories.

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Their coverage of Stonewall and the early gay and lesbian movements tracks exactly with how they're covering trans people today.

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Thems rookie numbers. Go back to the 30s, and they were simping for Hitler

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Rwnj bought it.

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