
Why don't they just mail the letters to people rather than delivery them? Duh !!!

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Not for anything, but it may very well take a Constitutional amendment to close down the Postal Service. In Article I, Section 8, which enumerates the duties of Congress specifically calls for Congress to establish Post Offices and Post Roads.

Additionally, only the USPS will deliver to every address in the country, no matter how remote. No private mail delivery can or will do that. And if they did, the cost of a piece of 1st class mail would rise into double digits, if.

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"Yes, I want to be told what I can do by some shifty goon in Texas!" – no New York State person ever.

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1) Ken Paxton is a pox upon humanity.

2) Privatizing the USPS is an exponentially larger pox.

3) I despise living in this timeline (independent of points 1 and 2)

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Wouldn't it take a constitutional amendment to privatize the Post Office? I mean, it is in the Constitution and everything.

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As a New Yorker I would tell Ken Paxton, "Hey, who da fuck are you slick? Somebody knows you"?

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I’m starting to get the feeling that “let the states decide” has some negative consequences.

Keep this in mind, swing state voters, when Paxton comes after your doctors. Paxton is clearly teeing up a case to get the Leonard Leo Six to declare shield laws unconstitutional. Because what use are states rights if they can’t be imposed on other states?

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"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

Among other things,

"To establish Post Offices and post Roads;"

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Which is why states should have zero authority over what gets sent through the mail.

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shall be uniform throughout the United States

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Don’t a shit ton of legal documents get mailed like all the time?

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This whole idea of controlling women's bodies is insane!

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Can Biden abolish the Comstock Act because they’re gonna try that next.

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Congress would have to repeal it, and the current House would not. All Biden can do is not enforce it while he is in office.

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Why not? Since Trump is going to abolish the 14th amendment.

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"mailing abortion pills to Texas and to be allowed to apply Texas’s law to her"

I say good luck to Ken Paxton on his (frivolous) lawsuit, he's sure going to need it. Since Dr. Carpenter is not a resident of Texas I don't see how Texas' draconian laws apply to her. His attempt at extortion ($250,000 fine my ass for sending *one* person chemical abortifacients) is ludicrous to an extreme. In fact, all of Texas' abortion laws belong in the realm of the absurd (as do those in most red states). Cities and counties are trying to enforce a ban on anyone using their roads to travel to another state where abortion is legal:

"Some cities and counties have passed so-called travel bans aimed at stopping Texans from driving to abortion appointments in other states." https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/09/texas-abortion-transgender-care-outside-state-borders/

Texas has also deputized its citizens when it comes to those traveling to receive an abortion:

"The measure bans abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy. And it effectively deputizes ordinary citizens to sue people involved in the process." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/09/us/abortion-law-regulations-texas.html# (behind paywall)


"Hopefully, she’ll come forward and out him so that no other woman makes the mistake of sleeping with him ever again."

Agree. With only a small effort -- that requires great courage -- the asshat can be forced to become part of the Incel movement. And in further hopes, his alternative girlfriends -- Mary Hand and her five fingers -- will also reject his advances.


"This means that the state will not do what Paxton is hoping for — they will not cooperate with attempts by other states to go after doctors in their own states who provide abortion care and send pills to patients across state lines."

I was going to say above that I'd love to see Paxton try to enforce his asshattery; no blue state will allow his efforts to come to fruition. OTOH, red states will jump at the chance to condemn any doctor who has the audacity to allow a woman her freedom to control her own body. (Being the weaker vessel she'll allow her emotions, feelings and vibes to screw up her moral compass; it's up to her man to make the hard decisions for her.)


“Well there is talk about the Postal Service being taken private, you do know that. Not the worst idea I’ve ever heard, it really isn’t,” he said during a press conference in Palm Beach on Monday. “You know it’s a lot different today … between Amazon and UPS and FedEx and all the things that you didn’t have. But there is talk about that, it’s an idea that a lot of people have liked for a long time. We’re looking at it.”

* Would the Fulvous Flatulence care to name names of those who like the idea of privatizing the USPS?

* It might not be the worst idea the Pumpkin Pestilence has heard, but IMO it has to be down near the bottom for Jane or John Citizen who still rely on the mail services.

* The Post Office has a problem with private delivery services and retailers delivering due to the facts that the PO is disorganized and highly inefficient.

* This concept would make it infinitely easier to keep PMG DeJoy in place to further tear down the USPS (like all the other federal agencies that will be torn down and rebuilt to the satisfaction and specifications of the Amber Ardipithecus ramidus).

* If privatized, the cost of mailing a letter or package will skyrocket to make up the shortfall that has been growing for decades:

"The Postal Service had lost almost $90 billion, was projected to lose another $200 billion over the next 10 years and was about to run out of cash before the year end." [I'm not sure but I think the year end he is referring to is 2020, when the Mango Malignancy gave him his job.] https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2024/1211-oral-statement-of-pmg-louis-dejoy-before-the-house-committee-on-oversight-and-accountability.htm


"Trump will also try to revive the Comstock laws for this purpose, as Project 2025 recommended"

No... no... no... no... no... a thousand times no. The Desert Sand Demi-Demon has totally disavowed Project 2025 in favor of his own Agenda47. (Basically, they are the same but with some of the roughest corners in Project 2025 rounded off a little.)


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As I said above, the goal is to take the case all the way to the Leonard Leo Six so they can declare shield laws unconstitutional because, reasons.

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But that will only apply until they find a case for it to not apply. Should a doctor in a red state prescribe and supply the next generation Ivermectin to a patient in a blue state, and that person dies for any reason that a coroner can point to the drug as causal, do you think that the Supreme Seven* will protect the good doctor? (Spoiler alert: the answer is yes.) They'll twist and contort themselves to find a way to create a very specific carveout from their landmark decision that eliminates shield laws and then use the decision as precedence for any other cases that come before it until the asshat prosecutors in blue states learn their lesson and give up.

Also, expect a case to come before the SCOTUS that will overturn doctor/patient privileges if a red state prosecutor needs their files to build an indictment, trial, conviction, and sentencing of a doctor from a blue state to be brought concurrently.

* Seven because Sotomayor waited to long to retire, and now she has to hang on to delay another Fulvous Flatulence appointed (anointed?) justice. (The seat will be sold to the highest bidder; there are already six pseudoconservatives so who sits in there is immaterial. But the WORMs [White Old RINO Men] 1%ers' vanity won't let them allow a ***gasping in utter shock and waving arms wildly*** LIBERAL to win.) IMO, she'll lose the strength to continue fighting the good fight and leave the SCOTUS before the case reaches them.

(Sorry for the long reply, I have acute diarrhea of the fingers and I suck at self-editing.)


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Paxton is insufferable. He's incredibly corrupt and spends his time suing other states. Are there no crimes in Texas that he should be attending to?

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Besides his own?

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Just like the fugitive slave laws. Not a great look but one Texas is sure to be proud of.

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Fugitive uterus laws are coming.

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Is anyone else both shocked and gladdened that this asshole wasn’t nominated for AG?

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I think he's just smart enough to not take a position Trump can fire him from. Especially AG, remember how many he went through last time?

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Boss of New York? I was told that was John Gotti: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emn6GzOKtaw

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Republicans have been working on privatizing the postal service for decades. After all, it appears that it is a service (older than our country, itself) that benefits all the people - rich or POOR. And it doesn't pour pelf into politicians' pockets. They can't have that!!

The Criminal Paxton wants Texas to be in charge of all the uteri in the nation. But, right now, he'll settle for punishing other States for not obeying Texas law when they aren't even in Texas. Someday, though, all them wimmin will learn that their parts belong to the State from puberty to menopause (and whatever man claims them at the time) and they have no say over what happens with them.

I know, being long post-menopausal, I'[m not supposed to care about these things, because they don't affect me personally - but shockingly, I do!

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"I know, being long post-menopausal, I'[m not supposed to care about these things"

Funny how the people who tell us we're not supposed to care about anything always turn out to be white men with agenda's.

They can take a running jump off a short pier.

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Same here because first it’s our reproductive autonomy and then it spreads from there.

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That, and the fact that my uterus and bodily autonomy is not the only one I care about.

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