Is The Two-Kitchen Trend Two Too Many? Tabs, Mon., June 12, 2023
No, zero kitchens is not enough kitchens. Morning news roundup!
Apparently this annotated version of the Trump indictment is "better" than mine , as if. (It is probably better than mine, I can't write anymore and also my brain is bad.) Okay, it's a fine annotated version, but CNN's not this dumb.
Why keep this stuff? What’s not clear in any of this is why Trump was so bent on keeping some of this information.
Details would help, but was it nostalgia? Was he hoping to write a book? Why mislead his own attorney and the FBI to keep this specific stuff? Is there a purpose we don’t understand?
Oh, I think there's a purpose we understand entirely. Don't play coy. (CNN)
Hey you guys remember this song? I love this song.
Damn, that was autoplaying on the FRONT PAGE. Fixed, sorry.
im fucking Matt Damon
So remember all those spies "captured, killed, or compromised"? Yeah. — Archive NYT
Trump and terlets. (Kevin Kruse)
An explainer of the Mike Pence decision y'all were posting Friday that I didn't understand. — Politico
Is blowing up a dam against the law? (Lawfare)
Oath Keepers lawyer is mentally incompetent to stand trial, say the prosecutors. Post doesn't say what's wrong with Kellye SoRelle, but I'd think you would have to be real out of it. — WUSA
“Two dozen white supremacists are outside the main Disney World entrance in Orlando right now, marching with signs featuring Gov DeSantis’s face, swastikas, the n-word and homophobic slurs. This is the 2023 Republican Party.”
— Shannon Watts (@Shannon Watts) 1686419271
Proud Boys are doing big brawls outside Los Angeles-area schools, for "the children." And the LA Times and others aren't calling them out. — Reckon News
A Garth Brooks nice time? YUP! (Variety)
I have had this tab open for so many months, and I couldn't bear to read it until now. Inside the LAPD's 1940s-'60s abortion squad, tailing and wiretapping women so they could arrest their doctors. (LA Times)
Nice time! Colorado expands the child tax credit : ) — Release
I also pay my servants a thousand dollars a year (but don't actually even pay them that) and lock the refrigerator against them. I also had Brett Kavanaugh represent me pro bono for keeping my slave. DANG, STORY! (Gift link Washington Post)
A bad, shitty Intercept story has led to Jim Jordan harassing academics, imagine that. — Crooked Timber
Oh my god.
More than 100 members of the [Colombian] military, as well as volunteers from Indigenous communities, took part in the search operations. The children’s grandmother recorded messages to the children in their native language, Huitoto, telling them to remain where they were.
The children are alive after 40 days by themselves in the Amazon jungle. Oh my god. — Gift link Washington Post
You are never getting the salami grease stains out of these wooden slabs, and that's a lot of sand for your beach charcuterie boards. — Charcuterie Board Association (I love them)
The guy who claimed to have invented Flamin' Hot Cheeto's was a big old liar. They made a movie about "his truth" anyway. Man, I hate the phrase "telling my truth" for just that fuckin reason. (Scroll way down to get to post.) (Welcome to Hell World)
Okay, so we actually do have a second kitchen, in our basement. The old lady who lived here put it in so she could cook fried chicken for Sammy Davis Jr. (my guess is so it could be kosher? no idea, the yellowed newspaper clipping did not explain). Two kitchens! (Better Homes & Gardens)
If you are shopping on Amazon anyway, this link gives Wonkette a small cut.
Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .
We love you, baby.