We're going to put this one up on time because on the White House's website it actually says "we will begin shortly" and maybe they really are going to begin shortly.
Or maybe not.
Oh well, we'll find out together!
Follow Evan Hurst on Twitter .
Wonkette is funded ENTIRELY by a few thousand people like you. If you're not already, would you pls consider being the few thousandth and one?
Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .
So still none. It's almost like you can't fathom why folks in general find you terrible and have blocked you. That ain't HiGh ScHoOl, that's people generally finding you repellent. It is funny how you whinge about high school.
Smoke too much dope tonight ?
I said it was ridiculous for Biden to try and say that Detroit is leading the world in EV tech. That was the point numbnuts.