The CBP One app is of course a lottery of sorts, some people could wait forever for an appointment because of this.
The facial recognition software on it doesn't work well with darker skin tones, so people with darker skin tones have a harder time getting an asylum appointment.
The software doesn't work with older phones.
Not every migrant has a phone.
Not every phone-haver has access to electricity, so again, those who can fight their way to the power strip at the camp are more likely to get the appointments, fucking over the old and infirm.
There's more too, building a sub-par app and calling it a day goes against our asylum laws and what they were intended for. The way the Biden administration has handled the U.S.- Mexico border is one of the things I hate most about the current administration. However, since the Rethiglicans would just mow everyone down with assault rifles, Harris still has my vote.
But this shit is fucked up. The "we aren't detaining these people so we don't give them water and we tear down the shelters they build" shit is insane.
The moderator cutting the mic with “Thanks for explaining the legal process” was hands down my favorite part of the whole thing. He was literally complaining about speech acts and vesting of government authority. Like how the fuck else would you describe getting married legally- you fill out an application, and some bureaucrat waves a magic wand, and all of the sudden your sharing of assets and genetic material with a former stranger is honky dory?!?! What black magic is that!
I’ll say it again. That asshole JD Vance stepped on a rake when he had to make the moderators cut his mike. That response from Margaret Brennan? “Thanks for explaining” and the epic side eye she shared with Nora O’Donnell was seen by every woman out there, and every Momma’s Boy out there (guilty here Momma’s Boy). Wayyy too many of us saw our mothers patronized and underpaid in the Eighties during Saint Ronnie’s reign of terror. Not only did he fuck off many women out there with his bullshit? He pissed off a lot of Gen X dudes. I’ll stop before I get banned.
The reason I know about the app is because it was report in the tech side of news that the app is not fit for purpose. Part of the process requires the applicant to take a selfie. The darker the skin the more likely the app would reject the selfie so the aid organizations were having to setup these crazy bright lights, Industrial level lights from construction sites to get the app to recognise these poor people.
I can't believe his educated wife (that I already can't believe he has in the first place) can put up with his smugly pug shit without smothering him with a pillow.
Well now. She's just like Guyliner Shillbilly--some trash that went to a school with a fancy name which has long since ceased being anything but a business transaction. She's not particularly intelligent nor discriminating, as witness the THING she married.
Certainly she is not. It's the bad taste and stupidity of marrying an abusive shit (not to mention a completely evil Nazi liar who will say anything for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) that's my point. Naivete --and stupidity--is no excuse for joining forces with fascists.
The key underlying point in all of their protestations is the color of the people and the economic status. Poor, Black, brown are undesirable. They’ll use resources, take your jobs and marry your daughters mixing that pure Arian blood.
When some racist folks got their DNA tested they were thrilled until it turned out that they had Jewish and Black ancestors. Understandably they rejected the science. It was too much for them to comprehend.
THESE are the people who find PAB a good candidate for them from his messaging to their deep biases and not willing to change their world view of this country quaintly called a melting pot.
I don't know if any of you guyzes watched "Grimm", but it was a series set in Portland of, basically, modern retellings of Grimm's tales (e.g., a kidnapped jogger wearing a red hooded jacket, a missing hiker with golden locks, etc.).
Somewhere around Season 5, the show jumped the shark, as so many shows do around season 5, and tacked on a silly and uninteresting story arc about some royal family.
The king was going somewhere on a helicopter, and the evil Omen baby opened the helicopter door and rather unceremoniously pushed him out.
He was all like, "But, but... *I'm the King!* You can't do this to me! *I'm the King!*" ::ka-dump!::
Musing on the debate, it occurred to me that Jeffrey Dahmer Vance is EXACTLY that kind of conniving shithead, and if God forbid things go off the rails, the only compensating factor is that we can all look forward to T***p FINALLY getting exactly this sort of comeuppance, with ol' J.D.'s last words to Dear Leader being something along the lines of, "Hey, you knew I was a snake when you picked me up."
Of course, the BAD news is that Eyeliner Boy is nowhere near as dumm as the Orange Nutsack.
I liked the show, among other things, for playing "spot the Portland location", several of which I had walked past while they were filming.
I also enjoyed the clever way they modernized some of the tales, e.g., the programmer who wrote code that was the equivalent of "spinning straw into gold".
I had no interest in the royal family story arc, and once Juliette showed up in that silly tinsel-looking wig, I was like, "Ope, I'm out."
Was just thinking today about Assmouth voters. It seems to me they must fall into three categories:
1. Straight-up greedy, amoral, racist evil shitstains, who are all about the projected fascist dictatorship as long as THEY are on the right side. Includes all MAGA Repug politicians. I LOATHE these fuckers with the heat of 1,000 suns.
2. People who are literally too stupid to know shit from shinola, and vote for whoever their neighbor with the ride-on lawnmower they REALLY wish they had is voting for. Can’t really hate these folks; just hope their kids will be smarter.
3. People who are ignorant. These people fall into two sub-categories:
a. The willfully ignorant, who despite what may have been a cultist upbringing or culture in which they are immersed, are smart enough and have access to actually use the internet. Yet they choose to remain ignorant because it’s much easier than challenging their preconceptions. I think this is a big chunk of Assmouth’s base, and a lot of them are the “good” people who will still vote for him. I really hate these people, because they are wasting their fucking lives, as well as ours!
b. People who are ignorant but through no fault of their own, because they don’t have access to information. Probably a pretty small category, maybe only kids who were raised in the cult and have JUST become old enough to vote? The Amish? Trad-wives whose husbands have cut them off from anything but Faux News? I pity these people, but don’t hate them, and hope they get a chance to break out.
Millions of these. In KY, I saw a bunch of professionally printed JESUS 2024 signs and thought unless you actually write in Jesus, you're just a damned hypocrite hiding behind your religion to vote for the least Christian person in the USA.
Well, if they have this app then all you need to do is send a message on the lines of 'Go back home' and they will do that. Seems to be very cost-effective at the least.
Massive immigration panics have swept the country again and again going back to the late 19th century.
Hell, even long before that, Ben Franklin was muttering darkly that we shouldn't let in the Germans, they'd mess everything up.
That old Founding Father HATED Germans, convinced they would lower the national intellectual tone-- “Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation" as well as being a threat to whiteness: “[T]he Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted.”
I figure anyone of Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Swedish or German descent who's planning on voting for Donald and JD on the immigration issue ought to know that about Ben Franklin, the guy on the $100 bill.
So JD is late to the game, just a late, anemic reproduction of an old American tradition that goes back to the founding, of randomly picking groups of immigrants, spreading dangerous lies about them that sometimes erupt into lynchings (even the Germans had their time in the free fire zone, with the anti-German lynchings of the WWI era), and then pretending none of it ever happened.
If Sir wins the election Sir will not survive a second term.
Therefore we come to see Trump / Vance as a reiteration of Tiberius / Caligula. Caligula chosen as the heir so that the reign of Tiberius would seem like a dream come true in comparison.
My favorite part of Caligula (which may or may not be apocryphical [sp?]) is that he made his horse a Senator, and when Caligula died, his successor said, "At least the horse has given no evil counsel and committed no murders", and declared that he was to retire honorably, with a golden bowl for his oats.
The CBP One app is of course a lottery of sorts, some people could wait forever for an appointment because of this.
The facial recognition software on it doesn't work well with darker skin tones, so people with darker skin tones have a harder time getting an asylum appointment.
The software doesn't work with older phones.
Not every migrant has a phone.
Not every phone-haver has access to electricity, so again, those who can fight their way to the power strip at the camp are more likely to get the appointments, fucking over the old and infirm.
There's more too, building a sub-par app and calling it a day goes against our asylum laws and what they were intended for. The way the Biden administration has handled the U.S.- Mexico border is one of the things I hate most about the current administration. However, since the Rethiglicans would just mow everyone down with assault rifles, Harris still has my vote.
But this shit is fucked up. The "we aren't detaining these people so we don't give them water and we tear down the shelters they build" shit is insane.
The moderator cutting the mic with “Thanks for explaining the legal process” was hands down my favorite part of the whole thing. He was literally complaining about speech acts and vesting of government authority. Like how the fuck else would you describe getting married legally- you fill out an application, and some bureaucrat waves a magic wand, and all of the sudden your sharing of assets and genetic material with a former stranger is honky dory?!?! What black magic is that!
I’ll say it again. That asshole JD Vance stepped on a rake when he had to make the moderators cut his mike. That response from Margaret Brennan? “Thanks for explaining” and the epic side eye she shared with Nora O’Donnell was seen by every woman out there, and every Momma’s Boy out there (guilty here Momma’s Boy). Wayyy too many of us saw our mothers patronized and underpaid in the Eighties during Saint Ronnie’s reign of terror. Not only did he fuck off many women out there with his bullshit? He pissed off a lot of Gen X dudes. I’ll stop before I get banned.
From YOUR LIPS............@
Rocco joined Mrs. Monster for breakfast this morning.
The reason I know about the app is because it was report in the tech side of news that the app is not fit for purpose. Part of the process requires the applicant to take a selfie. The darker the skin the more likely the app would reject the selfie so the aid organizations were having to setup these crazy bright lights, Industrial level lights from construction sites to get the app to recognise these poor people.
I can't believe his educated wife (that I already can't believe he has in the first place) can put up with his smugly pug shit without smothering him with a pillow.
She was very naive, when she married him, and he wasn't trump-slime then, he was pretending to be normal.
Well now. She's just like Guyliner Shillbilly--some trash that went to a school with a fancy name which has long since ceased being anything but a business transaction. She's not particularly intelligent nor discriminating, as witness the THING she married.
She's not the first naive woman to marry an abusive shit who morphed into a MAGAt.
Just noticed that you blocked me for daring to best you in an argument.
You're not only a moron, you're aware of your own inadequacy. Pitiful!
Certainly she is not. It's the bad taste and stupidity of marrying an abusive shit (not to mention a completely evil Nazi liar who will say anything for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) that's my point. Naivete --and stupidity--is no excuse for joining forces with fascists.
Thanks for this article. It's nice we have Wonkette, because legacy media yawns while republicans are lying their asses off.
Look, having two female moderators was just rigged and stollen against a misogynist like J Divan. Totally unfair! Three on one!
In all seriousness, both moderators are commended for resisting the urge to go up to J Divan and dick punch him for that snotty attitude.
Blood coming out of their wherevers, flooding JD with estrogen, ripping off his eyeliner...
Makes me hungry for a wintertime dessert bread.
The key underlying point in all of their protestations is the color of the people and the economic status. Poor, Black, brown are undesirable. They’ll use resources, take your jobs and marry your daughters mixing that pure Arian blood.
When some racist folks got their DNA tested they were thrilled until it turned out that they had Jewish and Black ancestors. Understandably they rejected the science. It was too much for them to comprehend.
THESE are the people who find PAB a good candidate for them from his messaging to their deep biases and not willing to change their world view of this country quaintly called a melting pot.
For a guy who went to Yale, he sure is dumb.
Erm, SHRUB is a Yalie, among many other atrocities of 'graduates.'
All it takes is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and/or 'pull.'
Pretty sure Goebbels graduated from one of the best colleges in Germany.
The good part,as far as the debate went, is that was his big off the rails moment , and his armband showed and they had to cut off his microphone.
Getting an education is not necessarily a good indicator of intelligence.
I tell people all the time, "Yes, I have a college degree. It doesn't mean I'm smart; it means I'm persistent."
I quit skool and look at me nao!
God, JD Vance is annoying. Who on earth can stand him? And why?
I think Ron Howard and Brian Grazer deserve a good slap for buying the rights to that terrible novel he "wrote"
I'll help, they spread his bullshit!
It's infuriating
"Hillbilly Elegy" is in rotation on Netflix right now, and I don't mean his crash & burn at the VP debate
See yr wonkette tabs for a couple of solid pieces on how he's just a trumped up - haha - creation of the media & tech bros.
I don't know if any of you guyzes watched "Grimm", but it was a series set in Portland of, basically, modern retellings of Grimm's tales (e.g., a kidnapped jogger wearing a red hooded jacket, a missing hiker with golden locks, etc.).
Somewhere around Season 5, the show jumped the shark, as so many shows do around season 5, and tacked on a silly and uninteresting story arc about some royal family.
The king was going somewhere on a helicopter, and the evil Omen baby opened the helicopter door and rather unceremoniously pushed him out.
He was all like, "But, but... *I'm the King!* You can't do this to me! *I'm the King!*" ::ka-dump!::
Musing on the debate, it occurred to me that Jeffrey Dahmer Vance is EXACTLY that kind of conniving shithead, and if God forbid things go off the rails, the only compensating factor is that we can all look forward to T***p FINALLY getting exactly this sort of comeuppance, with ol' J.D.'s last words to Dear Leader being something along the lines of, "Hey, you knew I was a snake when you picked me up."
Of course, the BAD news is that Eyeliner Boy is nowhere near as dumm as the Orange Nutsack.
Scorpion and the frog.
Also too, I enjoyed Grimm pre shark jump, then it just got silly.
I liked the show, among other things, for playing "spot the Portland location", several of which I had walked past while they were filming.
I also enjoyed the clever way they modernized some of the tales, e.g., the programmer who wrote code that was the equivalent of "spinning straw into gold".
I had no interest in the royal family story arc, and once Juliette showed up in that silly tinsel-looking wig, I was like, "Ope, I'm out."
The firebreathers who had their underground lair was another good one.
My absolute favorite was the Pied Piper boy who summoned the rats.
I also like the fact that they managed to work in some legends and characters from other cultures -- e.g., La Llorona, the Aswan, the Golem, etc.
They had one w Krampus too I think? Which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Yes. Krampus and the Golem (among others) were only doing what they were supposed to do, which was catch evildoers.
Was just thinking today about Assmouth voters. It seems to me they must fall into three categories:
1. Straight-up greedy, amoral, racist evil shitstains, who are all about the projected fascist dictatorship as long as THEY are on the right side. Includes all MAGA Repug politicians. I LOATHE these fuckers with the heat of 1,000 suns.
2. People who are literally too stupid to know shit from shinola, and vote for whoever their neighbor with the ride-on lawnmower they REALLY wish they had is voting for. Can’t really hate these folks; just hope their kids will be smarter.
3. People who are ignorant. These people fall into two sub-categories:
a. The willfully ignorant, who despite what may have been a cultist upbringing or culture in which they are immersed, are smart enough and have access to actually use the internet. Yet they choose to remain ignorant because it’s much easier than challenging their preconceptions. I think this is a big chunk of Assmouth’s base, and a lot of them are the “good” people who will still vote for him. I really hate these people, because they are wasting their fucking lives, as well as ours!
b. People who are ignorant but through no fault of their own, because they don’t have access to information. Probably a pretty small category, maybe only kids who were raised in the cult and have JUST become old enough to vote? The Amish? Trad-wives whose husbands have cut them off from anything but Faux News? I pity these people, but don’t hate them, and hope they get a chance to break out.
Who else is there?
"Trump will make me richer."
"Trump will make people I hate suffer."
"I am a sheep and my flock backs Trump."
First and second are category 1. Third is category 3a.
"Muh Pastor says wut I'mma to do... "
Millions of these. In KY, I saw a bunch of professionally printed JESUS 2024 signs and thought unless you actually write in Jesus, you're just a damned hypocrite hiding behind your religion to vote for the least Christian person in the USA.
Well, if they have this app then all you need to do is send a message on the lines of 'Go back home' and they will do that. Seems to be very cost-effective at the least.
Massive immigration panics have swept the country again and again going back to the late 19th century.
Hell, even long before that, Ben Franklin was muttering darkly that we shouldn't let in the Germans, they'd mess everything up.
That old Founding Father HATED Germans, convinced they would lower the national intellectual tone-- “Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation" as well as being a threat to whiteness: “[T]he Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted.”
I figure anyone of Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Swedish or German descent who's planning on voting for Donald and JD on the immigration issue ought to know that about Ben Franklin, the guy on the $100 bill.
So JD is late to the game, just a late, anemic reproduction of an old American tradition that goes back to the founding, of randomly picking groups of immigrants, spreading dangerous lies about them that sometimes erupt into lynchings (even the Germans had their time in the free fire zone, with the anti-German lynchings of the WWI era), and then pretending none of it ever happened.
The only people complaining about “immigrants” should be the indigenous American people.
If Sir wins the election Sir will not survive a second term.
Therefore we come to see Trump / Vance as a reiteration of Tiberius / Caligula. Caligula chosen as the heir so that the reign of Tiberius would seem like a dream come true in comparison.
Aren't we lucky.
My favorite part of Caligula (which may or may not be apocryphical [sp?]) is that he made his horse a Senator, and when Caligula died, his successor said, "At least the horse has given no evil counsel and committed no murders", and declared that he was to retire honorably, with a golden bowl for his oats.
Second TERM?
He'll "fall out a window" a week after the inauguration.