As our Queen, Taylor Swift, reveals more and more of her political views, which are not-at-all surprisingly rather liberal (e.g., her comments in "Miss Americana" about Marsha Blackburn and her allegedly "Tennessee Christian values" -- "I live in Tennessee. I'm a Christian. Those are NOT my values."), I strongly expect her to endorse Joe Biden -- and probably slam TFG -- and get her Swifties to vote strongly liberal, and tip the election. She's their hero, and they follow her every word.
As more than one person with direct, first-hand knowledge has said of her, she's "a genius" (indeed she is, not just musically). And her Swifties religiously follow her, so Taylor's endorsement will strongly impact their vote. Ergo, I expect her actions to make the 2024 election a Biden landslide (and all the way down-ballot, too). More and more Swifties will vote, more and more liberally.
Remember, this is Taylor's world. We just live in it. (Thank goodness!)
(And, no, I'm not kidding at all. I'm deadly serious. Taylor Swift is a force of nature. Mark my words.)
Substack authors and commenters from StatusKuo to Jeff Teidrich are all-hailing Wonkette's headline as best-in-class and linking to it. Evan Hurst for the win-win-win.
At least nine polling locations in the most populous county in Mississippi — Hinds County — ran out of ballots multiple times throughout Election Day yesterday. The fight to extend polling hours became a jumble of legal filings and contradicting orders all as voters waited in line — or left entirely due to the lack of ballots.
So much stress! So much. You know how act blue wants you to let them add it all up so you'll know in future how much you've given away-- how I hit "done!" not wanting to see myself in some future hovel or some convalscent home, sharing a room with a roommate who stares at me, looking at the total amount I once gave a way because I got an email from Nancy Pelosi saying "Ginger, I'm begging you" though I could not picture her saying any such thing in 20 million years. I don't know what the answer is, but I think campaign finance money once was handed out from public funds. We should complain more. They'd have to stop in that case, you know. I've advised sometimes they take advantage of PAC money-- times when I'm explaining why I've unsubscribed. Take it and do what you want. Why not?
Yep. I am happy that the unions have won, and the workers will be getting paid. But if I was a worker in the background of these films (not talent) as part of my raise I would ask them to NOT mention me in the credits.
I don't mean literally in the background, but all the behind the scenes people that work on sound, lighting, props, makeup and all those kind of things.
And they most certainly DO get credits and the end of films where, if you watch them on TV they sped up the often hundreds of end credits at the end so they can rush the next film onto the their schedule. But then you see then at regular speed they are all readable.
I know all about credits, having been offered a producer one recently. (I have been a theatre director and producer for decades and prefer that world.) The term "background" refers to the performers who are in the background of scenes but do not have any lines. (One of my best friends does it for a living.) What you are talking about are the crew. They do not appreciate being called background as their work is just as much on screen as the actors.
I love you, Evan. It is so disheartening to hear the “liberal, failing” New York Times living up to their mealy mouthed defenses of the horse race coverage. Someone needs to say it, and someone needs the right amount of snark.
NYT headline Wednesday, November 6 2024: Biden wins re-election, takes back House of Representatives- top Democrats worried about backlash, Trump charges of electoral fraud.
We don't need no stinkin Rally's. No mouth. We just show up to VOTE. And win (did I forget the "win" part)? Dems have won at least 6 of the last 7 Popular votes. Bring on 2024! The jailbird will be squawking and clucking by then.
This is right on target. They find Joe Biden dull because he does the job of being president and doesn't bray out asinine tirades every minute from a gilded crapper. Oh, for some more gaudy threats and molestation scandal and financial scandal and ...
Wayne Allyn Root's response to the N.Y. Times's coverage was grotesque even for that unscrupulous fascism supporter. I'm certain he doesn't believe a word of what he wrote (on Gateway Pundit) himself. He's a cynical liar but he's not dumb.
And he writes ...
"Liberals can't claim it is 'fake news' or a 'biased poll.' Because their God is the New York Times. They worship the NY Times. They bow down when the NY Times arrives each morning. Rich liberals marry off their daughters with NY Times newspaper leading to the altar. They despise the Bible, but they treat everything they read in the NY Times as 'gospel.'"
All of this is news to me.
And it would appear that actual votes by actual people do not altogether support that (single) poll the NY Times found so depressing for President Biden.
"their God is the New York Times. They worship the NY Times. They bow down when the NY Times arrives each morning. Rich liberals marry off their daughters with NY Times newspaper leading to the altar."
We expect of others what we expect of ourselves.
The Right are mindless cult followers, so, since they lack empathy, they assume that the Left is too, only with different idols.
The fact that most of us detest the NYT and CNN (their other boogeyman) seems to have escaped their notice entirely.
Thanks for your comment. I agree. Mindless cult followers think that everybody else is a mindless cult follower. I repeat what I wrote about Wayne Allyn Root; he's an unscrupulous liar who calculatedly plays to his target audience but doesn't believe a word of what he says and writes. He's utterly contemptible but not dumb.
His comment about lefties ("they despise the Bible") is a remark I'd bet money is true of him as well, and he despises the Bible. My Bible-believing days are far behind me now, but I've read it rather thoroughly in the past and there's a lot in it well worth despising. New Testament included. And somehow my Sunday School teachers never drew my attention to Judges Chapter 11 when I was a dewy-eyed kid. I can only wonder why not.
There was a time when the NYT was more liberal, but never the shining beacon that the MAGAs and their ilk make it out to be, When it was stiil an ongoing weekly, the Village Voice was the REAL liberal paper in NYC. Hell, they even had it at stores all over NY state, along with the Times and the WSJ.
Admittedly many of us DID buy the Sunday NYT for all the various special sections, and you could even get home delivery of that here in Central NY.
Kinda long, but necessarily:
As our Queen, Taylor Swift, reveals more and more of her political views, which are not-at-all surprisingly rather liberal (e.g., her comments in "Miss Americana" about Marsha Blackburn and her allegedly "Tennessee Christian values" -- "I live in Tennessee. I'm a Christian. Those are NOT my values."), I strongly expect her to endorse Joe Biden -- and probably slam TFG -- and get her Swifties to vote strongly liberal, and tip the election. She's their hero, and they follow her every word.
As more than one person with direct, first-hand knowledge has said of her, she's "a genius" (indeed she is, not just musically). And her Swifties religiously follow her, so Taylor's endorsement will strongly impact their vote. Ergo, I expect her actions to make the 2024 election a Biden landslide (and all the way down-ballot, too). More and more Swifties will vote, more and more liberally.
Remember, this is Taylor's world. We just live in it. (Thank goodness!)
(And, no, I'm not kidding at all. I'm deadly serious. Taylor Swift is a force of nature. Mark my words.)
This is my favorite article
The press generally hate Presidents who don't give them easy stories. It's not partisan bias, it's laziness and lack of intellectual depth.
Nailed it.
Substack authors and commenters from StatusKuo to Jeff Teidrich are all-hailing Wonkette's headline as best-in-class and linking to it. Evan Hurst for the win-win-win.
(Subhead's a spit-take, too.)
Re the NYT and yesterday's election results:
As the NYT puts it every day (and probably will continue to do so until Election Day [and they are indeed infallible, like the Pope]):
"Who ya gonna believe? Me or your lyin' eyes?"
Thank you Thank you thank you
Thank you Thank you thank you
In not so good news...
At least nine polling locations in the most populous county in Mississippi — Hinds County — ran out of ballots multiple times throughout Election Day yesterday. The fight to extend polling hours became a jumble of legal filings and contradicting orders all as voters waited in line — or left entirely due to the lack of ballots.
Well, with Florida Governor Jeb! Bush with his hand on all the levers, was it really any surprise?
Your Mastodon account is (
You'll be pleasantly surprised at the level and quality of engagement you will experience on Mastodon.
So much stress! So much. You know how act blue wants you to let them add it all up so you'll know in future how much you've given away-- how I hit "done!" not wanting to see myself in some future hovel or some convalscent home, sharing a room with a roommate who stares at me, looking at the total amount I once gave a way because I got an email from Nancy Pelosi saying "Ginger, I'm begging you" though I could not picture her saying any such thing in 20 million years. I don't know what the answer is, but I think campaign finance money once was handed out from public funds. We should complain more. They'd have to stop in that case, you know. I've advised sometimes they take advantage of PAC money-- times when I'm explaining why I've unsubscribed. Take it and do what you want. Why not?
Breaking News: Striking actors and Hollywood studios agree to a deal
Darn! now they can make more and more crappy movies!
Or keep making the same movie over and over again, only crappier each time and for more money than the last.
Yep. I am happy that the unions have won, and the workers will be getting paid. But if I was a worker in the background of these films (not talent) as part of my raise I would ask them to NOT mention me in the credits.
Background doesn't get a credit.
I don't mean literally in the background, but all the behind the scenes people that work on sound, lighting, props, makeup and all those kind of things.
And they most certainly DO get credits and the end of films where, if you watch them on TV they sped up the often hundreds of end credits at the end so they can rush the next film onto the their schedule. But then you see then at regular speed they are all readable.
I know all about credits, having been offered a producer one recently. (I have been a theatre director and producer for decades and prefer that world.) The term "background" refers to the performers who are in the background of scenes but do not have any lines. (One of my best friends does it for a living.) What you are talking about are the crew. They do not appreciate being called background as their work is just as much on screen as the actors.
And likely, earn more money for them.
I love you, Evan. It is so disheartening to hear the “liberal, failing” New York Times living up to their mealy mouthed defenses of the horse race coverage. Someone needs to say it, and someone needs the right amount of snark.
NYT headline Wednesday, November 6 2024: Biden wins re-election, takes back House of Representatives- top Democrats worried about backlash, Trump charges of electoral fraud.
We don't need no stinkin Rally's. No mouth. We just show up to VOTE. And win (did I forget the "win" part)? Dems have won at least 6 of the last 7 Popular votes. Bring on 2024! The jailbird will be squawking and clucking by then.
This is right on target. They find Joe Biden dull because he does the job of being president and doesn't bray out asinine tirades every minute from a gilded crapper. Oh, for some more gaudy threats and molestation scandal and financial scandal and ...
Wayne Allyn Root's response to the N.Y. Times's coverage was grotesque even for that unscrupulous fascism supporter. I'm certain he doesn't believe a word of what he wrote (on Gateway Pundit) himself. He's a cynical liar but he's not dumb.
And he writes ...
"Liberals can't claim it is 'fake news' or a 'biased poll.' Because their God is the New York Times. They worship the NY Times. They bow down when the NY Times arrives each morning. Rich liberals marry off their daughters with NY Times newspaper leading to the altar. They despise the Bible, but they treat everything they read in the NY Times as 'gospel.'"
All of this is news to me.
And it would appear that actual votes by actual people do not altogether support that (single) poll the NY Times found so depressing for President Biden.
"their God is the New York Times. They worship the NY Times. They bow down when the NY Times arrives each morning. Rich liberals marry off their daughters with NY Times newspaper leading to the altar."
We expect of others what we expect of ourselves.
The Right are mindless cult followers, so, since they lack empathy, they assume that the Left is too, only with different idols.
The fact that most of us detest the NYT and CNN (their other boogeyman) seems to have escaped their notice entirely.
Thanks for your comment. I agree. Mindless cult followers think that everybody else is a mindless cult follower. I repeat what I wrote about Wayne Allyn Root; he's an unscrupulous liar who calculatedly plays to his target audience but doesn't believe a word of what he says and writes. He's utterly contemptible but not dumb.
His comment about lefties ("they despise the Bible") is a remark I'd bet money is true of him as well, and he despises the Bible. My Bible-believing days are far behind me now, but I've read it rather thoroughly in the past and there's a lot in it well worth despising. New Testament included. And somehow my Sunday School teachers never drew my attention to Judges Chapter 11 when I was a dewy-eyed kid. I can only wonder why not.
I think it's, after 4 years of Trump's click-bait, they aren't getting the attention anymore. They're as bad as Trump on starving for attention.
There was a time when the NYT was more liberal, but never the shining beacon that the MAGAs and their ilk make it out to be, When it was stiil an ongoing weekly, the Village Voice was the REAL liberal paper in NYC. Hell, they even had it at stores all over NY state, along with the Times and the WSJ.
Admittedly many of us DID buy the Sunday NYT for all the various special sections, and you could even get home delivery of that here in Central NY.
I'll still keep my online NYT subscription for their soccer coverage and book review, but at least I'm ashamed of myself now...