John Derbyshire: The Honorariest Homo Award Winner Keeps on Winning

From the National Review's Corner blog:
My mental state these past few days:
1. The Abu Ghraib "scandal": Good. Kick one for me. But bad discipline in the military (taking the pictures, I mean). Let's have a couple of courts martial for appearance's sake. Maximum sentence: 30 days CB.
2. The US press blowing up the Abu Ghraib business: Fury at these lefty jounalists doing down America. They just want to re-live the glory days of Vietnam, when they brought down a president they hated. (PS: They hated him because he was an anticommunist, while they themselves tought communism was just fine.)
3. GWB apologizing to some barbarian chieftain for Abu Ghraib: Disgust. Correct approach: "Mind if we film some footage in YOUR jails?"
4. Revelations about sexual hanky panky in US armed forces: Outrage. I want to see someone cashiered -- a general, at least. This is no way for soldiers to behave when on active service. Gross, unpardonable violation of military ethics. Whose damn fool idea was it to mix men and women in the same units?
Of course. Slap the abusers on the wrist, beat up the journalists, and save the lowest circle of hell for the heterosexual fornicators. Is it just us, or do you imagine that Derbyshire's ideal world looks a lot like a Tom of Finland cartoon?
Tom of Finland []