John McCain And Mitt Romney Suddenly Best Friends!
Now that Hillary is "out," we will devote our full attention towards getting Mitt Romney on the Republican ticket and saving humor forever! And it looks like progress is being made on that front, according to Time 's Mark Halperin, who knows these terrible things.
"The big surprise has been the bond developing between McCain and onetime rival Mitt Romney. As a competitor, the former Massachusetts governor clearly irritated McCain, but observers say the two now get along famously, with one insider terming them 'alpha males' who have moved past their earlier conflicts. One source says that while a group of vice-presidential contenders were enjoying adult beverages recently at McCain’s Arizona ranch, the host went out of his way to offer the teetotaling Romney some coffee. Mormons don’t drink coffee either, but the gesture was noted."
Silly Mark Halperin, John McCain obviously knew that Mitt considered coffee an "adult beverage" as well, so he really just "went out of his way" to mock him, like an asshole. But still! Friends!
OK, good, there's momentum now for this to happen, so let's show our hand: Your associate editor will contribute$30to the John McCain Campaign if WALNUTS! selects Mittens, that majestic hybrid of transparent slime and utter harmlessness, as his vice president. No --$32!
(And then it will be billed to Ken Layne!)
Parsing the Veepstakes [The Page]