Leading off his second episode with a reminder that Last Week Tonight has a "long, proud, one-week history" of covering the week's biggest story, John Oliver recognizes that's not necessarily a laff riot when the biggest story is a botched execution in Oklahoma. And so, aware that his audience may not be into the topic, Oliver promises that if they hang with him (not literally, silly), he'll reward them with a video of "tiny hamsters eating tiny burritos." We'd just like to point out that Yr Wonkette has been adding adorable kittens to awful stories for a couple years now, and we're still not sure whether that helps, or if our dear readers now just have a Pavlovian dread of adorable kittens.
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I think the general public's take on this is that this wasn't botched so long as he died.
Hannity said he'd get waterboarded to show torture isn't so bad. Maybe he'll try a botched execution* to make the same point. ___________________________________ * death by votes, like what happened to Mittens